KEYZ 19-22 to the Qur’an From Abraham to Yahya
First Contact: Brother King Basheer ا
My African Brother King Taught Me To Read The Qur’an
He Supported Me Which Ultimately Changed My Life
I share this moment with him, and him ALone ا I Love You Fisabilah!
“If all of Ace Knight’s research and the conclusions he draws from it prove to be valid, then the traditional view of John the Baptist/Yahya, both scholarly and conventional, Jewish, Christian and Muslim, will be subjected to a tidal wave of revision and reconsideration. This will also affect most extant translations of the Quran into English, with the exception of The Sublime Quran by Dr. Laleh Bakhtiar which incorporates all of his results that relate to Quranic verses. Additionally, the great collections of medieval Islamic commentaries, both Sunni and Shia, which often repeat such colorful Biblical stories as the beheading of John the Baptist, will have to be viewed more critically. Such revisionism is sure to meet with a strong opposition. — Tim King
“Ace Knight is one of the leading authorities, if not the leading authority, on the research of John the Baptist.
His latest explorations in the field of scriptural numerology are producing amazing and thought-provoking results.”
- Shaykh Muhammad Nur Abdus Salam
And to Solomon [We subjected] the wind - its morning [journey was that of] a month - and its afternoon [journey was that of] a month, and We made flow for him a spring of [liquid] copper. And among the jinn were those who worked for him by the permission of his Lord. And whoever deviated among them from Our command - We will make him taste of the punishment of the Blaze. 34:12= 10YH
Wal’ Solomon: وَلِسُلَيْمَانَ
Gematrical value 28- Yahya is 28
Solomon Root letters 13 Count every 13th
chapter and you land on Sura 104
104: 8
إِنَّهَا عَلَيْهِم مُّؤْصَدَةٌ
Indeed, it (will be) upon them closed over
ا ن ن ع ل ى و ص د
Indeed, it (will be) upon them G. Value 22
closed over -G. Value 19
The 22 closes 19
22 Closes 19:
Zakariyah #11 Maryam #11 Esa #5= 9—These 3 land on the Chapter Victory 110 and close on chapter 114. From Chapter 110 there are 4 chapters left. 111+112+113+114= 18= 9. Add the total of verses of mentioned chapters— 20—. 20+9= 11
ZKR #11+ Mrym #11+ Esa # 5= 27= 9 Add Chapter “Victory”
110+ 9= 11 Pay attention and see how the 4 come together.
Yahya is #28—If you count on every 28th chapter he lands on Chapter 112 Sura Ikhlas—“Tawhid” Oneness in God. (Abraham the Same). There are 2 chapters left from that mark which closes the Qur’an
— Zakariyah, Maryam, and Isa close with #11. (110-114 )
Yahya closes with #11. 11+11= 22
From Yahya Chapter 112:
Chapter 113+Verses 5= 10
Chapter 114+ Verses 6= 12
12+10= 22— 22 closes 19
From King Solomon count every 13th chapter and we land on Chapter 104 = (5) 1045-(19)
Chapter 104 verse 8- 14+8= 22
104+9 verses equals 14= 5 - Go to the 5th verse “What will explain to you what the crusher is“
6th verse- It is the fire of God, that which is kindled eternally,
It is the fire of God, that which is kindled eternally,
نَارُ اللَّهِ الْمُوقَدَةُ
Chapter 104—1-9
Read the number of verses as follows 1—9—2—8—3—7—4—6—5
1. “Woe to every backbiter, slanderer”, — 9. “In columns outstretched”. 19
2. “Who amasses wealth and hoards it,” 8. “Surely it will be closed over upon them”, 28Yahya
3. “Thinking that his wealth will make him immortal”. 7. “Which rises above the guilty hearts”
4. “Nay, he will certainly be hurled into the ‘Hutamah’ “, 6. “(It is) a fire kindled by Allah”
5. “And what makes you know what the ‘Hutamah’ is”?
What was Kindled? -mūqadatu
Gematrical Value 28= #Yahya (Every letter counts)
The Ultimate Light of Life
46=10Y= 11
11+11= 22
5-Hutamah the crusher?
104 chapters + 9 verses 14= 5 + 5 the crusher (10Y)
Perfect 10
50 total—5
104= 5 — 9+1+4+5= 19
The Guardian/Protector Yahya Q. 19:5YH/10/5YH
2+2+1+9= 14= 5
Guardian-19:5 Yahya
22 Number of Revelation
19+2+2+5= 28
From 19—to 22—to the Crusher Verse 5
Total Crushed: 1+9+2+2+5= 19
“22″ -Count Every 22nd chapter of the Qur’an and we land on chapter 110: “The Victory”
110-AND 112 OPEN—WHAT IS CLOSED? CHAPTER 111—113—114= 14=5 (145 =10Y CLOSES 14+5= 19)
Yahya is #28 HE LIVES
The Key 19/22 Letters
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Appears as 19 Letters
Floating alif and double Ra added
B—S—M—A—L—L—H—A—L—R—R—H—M—N—A—L—R—R—H—Y—M= 22
19:22—19+22= 41—4+1= 5
2—60—40—1—30—30—5—1—30—200—8—4—50—1—30—200—8—10—40= 786
786—7+8+6= 21—2+1= 3
Add the letter alif that is floating over the mim in Rahman. That mim is counted as a 5, and for good reason:
Mim 40+Alif 1= 41= 5
Rahman (Gracious). The number 5 symbolizes God’s Grace
A—L—R—H—M—N= 5
A1—L30—R200—H8—M40—N50= 329—3+2+9= 14—1+4= 5 (Qur’an confirms)
Basmala reloaded floating alif added :
2—60—40—1—30—30—5—1—30—200—8—5—50—1—30—200—8—10—40= 787
By adding the number of God’s grace (5): 787—7+8+7= 22
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ
Ism: Name—Allah: The God
ISM from the root letters S—M—W— 6–4–6—16—1+6= 7
ISM appears 22 times in the sacred text.
A—L—L—H= 1–3–3–5= 12—1+2= 3
A—L—L—H —English Letters
Numerical Value: 1—12—12—8= 15YH
Rahman (Grace) The number 5 symbolizes God’s Grace
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ
In the Name of God—The Gracious (Rahman):
Floating alif over mim added:
B—S—M—A—L—L—H—A—L—R—H—M—A—N= 14—1+4= 5
Rahman—Double Ra—2+2+8+4+1+5= 22
Raheem—Double Ra— 2+2+8+1+4=17—1+7= 6
22+6= 28
28 Letters in the Arabic Alphabet
28 is the gematrical value of the Name Yahya—(He Lives)
A—L—R—H—M—N= 1+3+2+8+4+5= 23— 5
A—L—R—H—Y—M= 1+ 3+ 2+ 8+ 1+ 4= 19
19/5— Q. 19:5 Protector (Waliy/Yahya)
19:5—1+9+5= 15YH
[1:2] Praise be to GOD, Lord of the universe.
[1:3] The Gracious, The Merciful.
A—L—R—H—M—N= 1+3+2+8+4+5= 23— 5
A—L—R—H—Y—M= 1+ 3+ 2+ 8+ 1+ 4= 19
[1:4] Master of the Day of Judgment.
1+4= 5
[1:5] You alone we worship; You alone we ask for help.
1:5— 15Y
[1:6–7] Guide us in the right path;
the path of those whom You blessed; not of those who have deserved wrath, nor of the strayers.
1:6–7—1+6+7= 14—1—4= 5
1:6–1:7–1+6+1+7= 15YH—15 + 7 Signs= 22
The Qur’an
Quran 114 Chapters— 6,236 Verses
1+1+4+6+2+3+6= 5
AND, INDEED, We have bestowed upon thee seven (7) of the oft repeated [verses],
and [have, thus, laid open before thee this sublime Qur’an 15:87
Chapter 1—The Opener: Al Fatiha—The Key 7 Signs
From the Key: The Sublime Quran—113 Chapters 6229 Verses
1+1+3= 5 –6+2+2+9= 19—19/5 —
The 7 Signs + 19/5—1+9+5+7= 22
Chapter 15:87—1+5+8+7= 21+ 7 Signs= 28 (YHY)—10Y
Strain not thine eyes at what We have bestowed on certain classes of them,
nor grieve over them: but lower thy wing to the believers. 15:88—1+5+8+8= 22
“The Key” and 5 moves to Victory
From The Key to the last chapter revealed by God:
On every 22nd Chapter:
22—44—66—88—110= 330/33
Chapter 110 is the Victory “22 x mystic 5= 110 VICTORY
Chapter and verses:
1+1+0+1+1+1+0+2+1+1+0+3= 12— 1+2= 3 Perfect order
Qur’an Chapter 50:1
Qaf. CONSIDER This Sublime Qur’an! |
G. Value Root letters—1121434= 16= 7
3 Q’s, and the 3rd lands on the Qur’an itself.
The first Q. Name of the chapter, and the second
lands on the “Q” in the word Qur’an (Kalimulah ESA).
Esa is the Word:
Count from where the 2nd Q—landed:
G-Value from the 2nd Q is 25
Add the 25 Esa with the total of Q’s 3= 28 Yahya
Esa and Yahya 25+28= 53= 8 it takes 4- 2’s to make
and 8= 8×4= 32= 5 -Take the 8+4+3+2+5= 22
Quran 22 Revealed on the Chapter Al-Hajj 22 The Great Gathering
22:78 First look at the numbers 22 Revelation and 78= 15YH
2+2+7+8= 19
Count every 22nd chapter and you will land on Sura 110 The Victory
Quran 19-22 Confirmed at the GREAT GATHERING AL-HAJJ 22
Behold! It Iz In The KeyZ:KEYZ 22 M13 Grand Quran
And struggle for God in a true struggling. He elected you and made not for you in your way of life any impediment. It is the creed of your father Abraham. He named you the ones who submit to God before and in this Recitation that the Messenger be a witness over you and you are witnesses over Man-Kind. So perform the formal prayer and give the purifying alms and cleave firmly to God. He is your Defender. How excellent a Defender and how excellent a Helper! Al-Hajj 22 2+2+7+8= 23- Add the whole row: 2+2 +2+2+7+8= 23=5 -23/5(28)- Chapter Abraham 14 Yahya 28
1+4+2+8= 15YH
GOD-GRACIOUS -G7+G7= 14- 7+7+ 14= 28 Yahya =10Y
Qur’an 22:1= 5 He Speaks يَاأَيُّهَا root letters 5
Alif-(Alpha) -Ya-Ya-O-Alif A1+L3+F8-Ya 10Ya 10= 14= 5
O Mankind! Be God-Conscious of your Lord. Truly, the earthquake of the Hour is a tremendous thing. On a Day you will see it 2278= 19
22+78= 100 THE GRAND QUR’AN
The Key and The Sublime Quran: Manifesto 13
ذِكْرُ رَحْمَتِ رَبِّكَ عَبْدَهُ زَكَرِيَّا
Chapter Abraham 14
الر كِتَابٌ أَنزَلْنَاهُ إِلَيْكَ لِتُخْرِجَ النَّاسَ مِنَ الظُّلُمَاتِ إِلَى النُّورِ بِإِذْنِ
رَبِّهِمْ إِلَىٰ صِرَاطِ الْعَزِيزِ الْحَمِيدِ
Alif Lam Ra. This is a Book We caused to descend to thee so that thou hast brought Man-Kind
out from the shadows into the light with the permission of their Lord to the path of The Almighty, The Worthy of Praise.
14= (5)—(19)—52 Verses = (7) Signs
يَا زَكَرِيَّا إِنَّا نُبَشِّرُكَ بِغُلَامٍ اسْمُهُ يَحْيَىٰ لَمْ نَجْعَل لَّهُ مِن قَبْلُ سَمِيًّا
O Zechariah! Truly, We give thee the good tidings of a boy.
His name will be Yahya and We assigned it not as a namesake for anyone before.
Q. 19:7— 98verses
Verses Abraham 52 Verses Maryam 98
52+98= 150—15YH
Count from Chapter Abraham every 14th chapter
14—28—42—56—70–84—98= 112
1+1+2+4= 8
Chapter Abraham 14+8= 22 —14×8= 112 Chapter The One/Unity
22 Number of Revelation
Count every 22nd Chapter and you land on Chapter 110 THE VICTORY
Chapter 14 (5)— Chapter 5 the Blue Print 145= 10Y 0r 1-9 (19)
ذِكْرُ رَحْمَتِ رَبِّكَ عَبْدَهُ زَكَرِيَّا
Yahya # 28- Count every 28th chapter:
28+56+84+112= 280— 28 Yahya—Lands on 112
Esa #5—Count every 5th chapter:
70+75+80+85+90+95+100+105+110= 1265 lands on 110
Zakariyah #11—Count every 11th chapter:
11+22+33+44+55+66+77+88+99+110= 605 Lands on 110
Maryam #11—Count every 11th chapter:
11+22+33+44+55+66+77+88+99+110= 605 Lands on 110
Add the total of names 605+605+280+1265= 2755= 19
114-6236= 23= 19/5
Chapter 110 is “Divine Support” “Victory”
Yahya connected to Chapter 112 ONESS/UNITY
YHWH—YHYH—H8Y10Y10= 28 Yahya
Al Sayyid—Al Waliyy G.V. 22
Master Q. 3:39—Concealer of Secrets—Guardian 19:5
Master Concealer of Secrets 3:39YH= 15—Guardian 19:5=15YH
Add the chapters of the book mentioned for each name: 112—110—110—110= 10Y
112+110+110+110= 442=10
THE KEY 1922= 41—1+4= 5
All land on 110, save Yahya 112
110:3— Victory= 5
Yahya ALONE— Chapter 112— Tawhid “Oneness”
Sura 112 recited in prayer is equal to reciting the whole of the Qur’an.
112+4= 8
8+5= 13—A1L3—13
19 rotated is 6+1= 7 —Quran 19:7 Sign Yahya with distinction.
Yahya lands on 112= 4—Add to the others 11-11-11= 10
19+7= 17—8 Total 15YH
The Revelation Entrusted with
Muhammad PBUH “THE SEAL”
Muhammad—MHMMD— 4+8+4+4+4= 24—6
Root Letters HMD—844= 16—7
13+114 Chapters = 127= 10Y
114 Chapters= 6—6236 Verses 17
6+1+7= 14= 5
Verses 6, 236= 17—1+7= 8
18th Chapter Al Kaf “Kaf”—Gematrical Value 20
20+8= “28” 28 Arabic letters
HYY—8+10+10= 28Y
YHYH 28+28= 11
Revelation #22
22+11= 33
Al’Rahman#22+ Original/YHYH #56= 78/15YH
Revelation 22 + 28= 50
RAHMAN Total G.V. Doublers and floating Alif
AL 4—Rahman 22—Raheem 26= 16= 7
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
The Living Book of Life
What is Bigger than Life?
13+114 CHAPTERS+ 6, 236 SIGNS= 6363
ADD THAT ALIF 1= 100—The Collector 7528”
ذِكْرُ رَحْمَتِ رَبِّكَ عَبْدَهُ زَكَرِيَّا
Quran. 61:6—The Praised One—Yahya Yuhanan aka John the Baptist
*ATTN: Ahmad used as a proper name for Muhammad never existed, and it was always used as an adjective.
The use of it as a proper name came long after Muhammad had left the earth.
And when Jesus, son of Mary, said: “O children of Israel, I am God’s messenger to you, authenticating what is present with me of theTorah and bringing good news of a messenger to come after me whose name will be praised (ismuhu-Ahmad).” But when he showed them the clear proofs, they said: “This is clearly magic.”
The only time we find the Arabic ismuhu read the same way with the proper recitation (tajweed) is in Q. 19:7 which reads: “O Zakariya! We give thee good news of a son: His name shall be Yahya (ismuhu-Yahya): on none by that name-sake (samiyyan) have We conferred distinction before.”
The prophecy in Q. 61:6 (ismuhu—ahmad/whose name will be praised) brought us to Quran 19: 7 (ismuhu—Yahya/on none by that name-sake have we conferred distinction before), and in 19:7 we find the key word samiyyan. The only other place this Arabic word is found in the whole of the Quran in that form is in 19:65 which reads:“The Lord of the heavens and the earth, and what is between them! So worship Him and maintain thou patience in His worship. Hast thou known any name-sake (samiyyan) for Him?
Comparing the two (19:7/19:65) it becomes apparent name-sake (samiyyan) for both God and John the Baptist/Yahya: incomparable, unmatched, unique; One of a Kind It is here his name is honored, raised, and praised at the highest level.
Samiyyan from the root smw: to be high/lofty, raised, name, attribute. Samawat: heights/heavens/rain, raining clouds. Ismun: mark of identification by which one is recognised. It is a derivation of wsm (pl. asma). —Concordance of the Sublime Quran
In the famous Arabic lexicon Lisan al-Arab, the root s m w means “elevation or highness.” No other prophetic name has been honored, raised, and praised to such a degree in the whole of the Quran, save Yahya—Yuhanan (John the Baptist)
13+114 CHAPTERS+ 6, 236 SIGNS= 6363
ADD THAT ALIF 1= 100—The Collector 7528”
7 The Key-5ESA 28 YAHYA = 22
Qur’an Chapter 50:1
Qaf. CONSIDER This Sublime Qur’an! |
G. Value Root letters—1121434= 16= 7
3 Q’s, and the 3rd lands on the Qur’an itself.
The first Q. Name of the chapter, and the second
lands on the “Q” in the word Qur’an (Kalimulah ESA).
Esa is the Word:
Count from where the 2nd Q—landed:
G-Value from the 2nd Q is 25
Add the 25 Esa with the total of Q’s 3= 28 Yahya
Esa and Yahya 25+28= 53= 8 it takes 4- 2’s to make
and 8= 8×4= 32= 5 -Take the 8+4+3+2+5= 22
Quran 22 Revealed on the Chapter Al-Hajj 22 The Great Gathering
22:78 First look at the numbers 22 Revelation and 78= 15YH
2+2+7+8= 19
Quran 19-22 Confirmed at the GREAT GATHERING AL-HAJJ 22
Behold! It Iz In The KeyZ: KEYZ 22 M13 GRAND QURAN
And struggle for God in a true struggling. He elected you and made not for you in your way of life any impediment. It is the creed of your father Abraham. He named you the ones who submit to God before and in this Recitation that the Messenger be a witness over you and you are witnesses over Man-Kind. So perform the formal prayer and give the purifying alms and cleave firmly to God. He is your Defender. How excellent a Defender and how excellent a Helper! Al-Hajj ا
GOD-GRACIOUS -G7+G7= 14- 7+7+ 14= 28 Yahya =10Y
Qur’an 22:1= 5 He Speaks يَاأَيُّهَا root letters 5
Alif-(Alpha) -Ya-Ya-O-Alif A1+L3+F8-Ya 10Ya 10= 14= 5
O Mankind! Be God-Conscious of your Lord. Truly, the earthquake of the Hour is a tremendous thing. On a Day you will see it 2278= 19
22+78= 100 THE GRAND QUR’AN
يَا يَحْيَىٰ خُذِ الْكِتَابَ بِقُوَّةٍ وَآتَيْنَاهُ الْحُكْمَ صَبِيًّا
“KHUDHI” 1+6+7 14-= 5
And to Solomon [We subjected] the wind - its morning [journey was that of] a month - and its afternoon [journey was that of] a month, and We made flow for him a spring of [liquid] copper. And among the jinn were those who worked for him by the permission of his Lord. And whoever deviated among them from Our command - We will make him taste of the punishment of the Blaze. 34:12= 10YH
WAL Solomon: وَلِسُلَيْمَانَ
Gematrical value 28- Yahya is 28
ABRAHAM 5 to YAHYA 28 = 33
Indeed, it (will be) upon them G. Value 22
closed over -G. Value 19
The 22 closes 19 Quran 104:8= Manifesto 13