Canada hides its Genocide to conceal ongoing crimes

Rev. Kevin Annett

Rev. Kevin Annett

Christian Canada and the British Crown are now morally and legally nullified, and a new Republic is lawfully warranted - Kevin Annett, who has exposed the Canadian Holocaust for over 20 years

Global News Centre

(NAINAMO, Vancouver Island)  This week, Canada and its churches publicly whitewashed their killing of tens of thousands of indigenous children with an “official report” that exonerates the perpetrators, and hides continuing genocide . But according to Kevin Annett, who has exposed the Canadian Holocaust for over 20 years, Christian Canada and the British Crown are now morally and legally nullified, and a new Republic is lawfully warranted .


See and .

Kevin Annett was re-nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2015. Messages for him can be left at 386-323-5774 (USA). His personal website is
Kevin’s award winning documentary film Unrepentant can be viewed at . See also: 

His weekly blog radio program, Radio Free Kanata, airs on Sundays at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern. It is found at: .  
The official website for the Republic of Kanata is . The Founding Proclamation of the Republic of Kanata (January 15, 2015) is here:
See the evidence of Genocide in Canada at and at the website of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at 

The complete Common Law Court proceedings of Genocide in Canada are found at: - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part One) - 1 hr. 46 mins. - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part Two) - 1 hr. 47 mins. - Final Court Verdict and Sentencing - 8 mins. 30 secs. - Authorizations and Endorsements of ITCCS/Kevin Annett by indigenous eyewitnesses - 10 mins. - Irene Favel, Eyewitness to the incineration of a newborn baby by a priest at Muscowegan Catholic Indian school, Saskatchewan, 1944 - Other key testimonies from our Court case against genocide in Canada

The first excavation at a mass grave residential school site: Mohawk school, 2011
An International, multi-lingual ITCCS site can be found at:
See also an insightful personal interview “Who is Kevin Annett?” (2013) at:
and eyewitness to the crimes: Dr. Jennifer Wade

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