Tag Archives: Youth
Rudy Giuliani succeeded in keeping Purdue Pharma out of prison resulting in thousands of deaths!

Purdue Pharma, maker of OxyContin, pleaded guilty in federal court in 2007 to criminal charges that they misled regulators, doctors and patients about the drug’s risk of addiction and its potential to be abused. The disgraced privately held Purdue Pharma, owned by the billionaire Sackler family, brought in “big guns” to negotiate the monetary settlement and hired Rudy Giuliani to avoid prison time. Judge James Jones presiding over the sentencing imposed community service hours at a drug rehabilitation center to the three CEO’s of Purdue Pharma. They were Michael Friedman, President, Howard Udell, Chief Counsel (now deceased) and Paul Goldenheim, MD. With Giuliani’s shrewd legal skills utilized, Purdue Pharma continued to make billions of dollars while their created prescription opioid epidemic raged out of control.
Caught you US Senator Orrin Hatch! Release the Opioid Report Now !

Senator (R-UT) Orrin Hatch
Mr. Hatch — it’s called obstruction of justice and I will continue reporting on you until the US Senate Finance Committee investigation on prescription opioids is made public.
Marianne Skolek-Perez Global News Centre
(MYRTLE BEACH) In the 15 years I have been reporting on the prescription opioid epidemic, it has in some ways been frustrating to be a forerunner in exposing the criminal activity of pharma, the FDA, politicians, physicians, pain foundations and organizations profiting from the surging death and addiction rates — while US Senator Orrin Hatch is allowed to obstruct justice.
Purdue Pharma has another “killer” surprise for America — addicting 7 to 16 year olds!
There is little outrage from the public in Purdue Pharma targeting children as young as 7 years old with yet another Holocaust of death in an FDA approved opioid.
Marianne Skolek-Perez Global News Centre
(MYRTLE BEACH) On September 14, the FDA Advisory Committee will be holding a hearing on Purdue Pharma’s new “blockbuster” opioid called Butrans. It is targeted for severe pain in children ages 7 to 16 years old. There is not a doubt in my mind that once the FDA approves this latest killer opioid presented by Purdue Pharma, it will be off-labeled marketed as OxyContin was for all pain levels. This time though children are the guinea pigs and Purdue Pharma and its owners, the Sacklers will in all probability double their profits.
President Trump nominating Rep. Tom Marino, PA (again) for “drug czar” is a disservice to America!

Rep. Tom Marino
Hopefully Mr. Trump will not allow the “alligator” with financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry to become “drug czar” while Marino thumbs his nose at the DEA and the families suffering the loss of loved ones to an out of control prescription opioid/heroin epidemic.
Marianne Skolek-Perez Global News Centre
(MYRTLE BEACH) President Donald Trump announced that he intends to nominate Rep. Tom Marino (R) of Pennsylvania to head the Office of National Drug Control Policy — second time for nomination. Marino has been a longtime supporter of the president — so much so that Trump nominated Marino back in the spring for the same position — drug czar. Marino withdrew his name in May because of “family issues.”
I have never punished my child Parenting for a Nonviolent World

“Listening” provided by Anahata Giri
Punishment undermines the very basis of parenting: maintaining a safe, clear, loving relationship between parent and child.
Anahata Giri for Global News Centre
(MELBOURNE) I have never punished my child. This is not because I have some kind of freaky perfect child. My 8 year old son is a normal child who engages with the world with a natural childlike intensity. This means he sometimes challenges boundaries by doing what he wants and upsetting others. At times I am very upset by his actions and I have been stretched beyond my own boundaries many times. This can be really tough.
Target Stores mock parents who have lost children to the prescription opioid/heroin epidemic!
Hopefully Target’s profits for Christmas shopping will reflect families outrage in all 50 states for mocking the prescription opioid/heroin epidemic — and the loss of the lives of children.
Marianne Skolek Global News Centre
(MYRTLE BEACH) Target Stores have been promoting a “Spritz Halloween Syringe Pen” for sale in their “family” stores all over the country. (Photo of syringe pens are shown). When I learned of Target’s outrageous retail practice of profiting from a drug epidemic which is resulting in deaths and addictions in the tens of thousands, I emailed the following to John Mulligan, Executive VP:
The threats and costs of war
The direct and indirect costs of war
By John Scales Avery
(JUST) The costs of war, both direct and indirect, are so enormous that they are almost beyond comprehension. Globally, the institution of war interferes seriously with the use of tax money for constructive and peaceful purposes.
Today, despite the end of the Cold War, the world spends roughly 1.7 trillion (i.e. 1.7 million million) US dollars each year on armaments. This colossal flood of money could have been used instead for education, famine relief, development of infrastructure, or on urgently needed public health measures.
Senator Joe Manchin, of WV outraged by FDA approval of OxyContin for children

Senator Joe Manchin photo courtesy: home.cableone.net
Manchin angered by OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma’s efforts to push deadly drug on kids while the FDA sealed the deal!!!
Marianne Skolek Global News Centre
(MYRTLE BEACH) In the past few days, I have written two articles for Global News Centre regarding the FDA approving the dangerous opioid, OxyContin for children. The FDA gave the green light on the use of OxyContin on children based on studies conducted by Purdue Pharma — maker of OxyContin. Here are the links to those articles http://www.globalnewscentre.com/fda-has-purdue-pharma-conduct-its-own-studies-on-children-being-prescribed-oxycontin/#sthash.a1Ny7sN9.yJr4BYZr.dpbs
FDA has Purdue Pharma conduct its own studies on children being prescribed OxyContin!

Photo: narconon.org
If you have ever wondered if the FDA is corrupt, this should leave you thinking long and hard — are they?
Marianne Skolek Global News Centre
(MYRTLE BEACH) I recently wrote an article for Global News Centre regarding the FDA’s approval of Purdue Pharma’s blockbuster drug, OxyContin for children in pain. Here is the link to that article http://www.globalnewscentre.com/#sthash.TRmZJbFX.dpbs<
The FDA approved OxyContin for use in children to manage their chronic and extreme pain. If you are wondering what could the FDA possibly have been thinking in approving a drug for children that has been responsible for tens of thousands of deaths and addictions throughout the U.S since its release in the late 1990’s, there was no thought. Don’t even try to imagine how the FDA could have conducted studies with their research people and physicians under the watchful eyes of the heads of the agency because they did not. Did their advisory committee — the last step in approving a dangerous drug determine children could “safely” take OxyContin? After all the FDA has come under close scrutiny for their financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry and certainly did not need anymore blood on their hands — especially with the risk of children becoming addicted and dying from OxyContin. No there was no advisory committee review.
Where is the Outrage? FDA approves OxyContin for children and I warned you in 2009 and 2011!
Have you seen the statistics in Florida of the deaths and addictions to controlled substances?
Marianne Skolek Global News Centre
(MYRTLE BEACH) In April 2011, I wrote an article for Salem-News.com (shown below in its entirety with comments from contributors to OxyContin being prescribed to children as guinea pigs). Today, the FDA announced that Purdue Pharma, maker of OxyContin has been given the green light to prescribe the killer drug to children. The news has caused a frenzy of outrage from organizations and individuals fighting the prescription opioid epidemic in the U.S. and Canada. So how did this happen and what will the result of this FDA approval be in an out of control prescription opioid/heroin epidemic? Where is your outrage and what will you do about it?
Vicky Sepass: My role in her death, and my own
Kevin Annett recounts the deliberate torture and starving to death of 9 year old Vicky Sepass at the United Church Indian residential school in Port Alberni.
Kevin Annett Global News Centre
(NAINAMO ISLAND) She was slightly older than me, but we would have been in the same grade in United Church Sunday school class, which we both attended as children. Every worship day, I wore a proper suit and tie and clutched my white offering envelope in which a single Canadian dollar would help fill the coffers of what the United Church still calls its “Mission and Service Fund”. But Vicky Sepass wore a shabby grey uniform and had nothing to put in the plate on Sundays, for she herself was the offering.