Tag Archives: Terrorism
The Islamic State will be annihilated by “Anonymous” on the Internet
It isn’t the first time that “Anonymous” has chased terrorists.
Clemente Ferrer Global News Centre
(MADRID) The Islamic State (ISIS), responsible for attacks that caused at least 130 dead and 350 injured in Paris and more than 27 dead in Mali, owes much of its power to the propaganda creativity in social networks.
Syria, what’s next for the U.S.?
After its capture of Palmyra, the Islamic State now controls over half the Syrian landmass and large parts of Iraq.
Ralph E. Stone Global News Centre
(SAN FRANCISCO) The U.S. finds itself between a rock and a hard place in the Syrian civil war. Russia has deployed warplanes and tanks to a base near Latakia, Syria in support of President Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian government. In the meantime, Iran ground troops have arrived in Syria. These troops would be backed by Assad’s Lebanese Hezbollah allies and by Shi’ite militia fighters from Iraq. Russia is providing air support for these ground troops.
President Obama: support African Civil Society during upcoming visit to Sub-Saharan Africa
In April 2014, six Ethiopian bloggers and three journalists associated with the Zone 9 blogging collective were accused of “creating serious risk to the safety or health of the public” and arrested under the country’s vague anti-terrorism law.
William Nicholas Gomes, Global News Centre Human Rights Ambassador
(LONDON) Ethiopia and Kenya face grave and worsening human rights challenges. In this letter to US President Barack Obama, Wiliam Gomes asks the US political leader to keep these issues at the forefront of your discussions. The longstanding crackdown on human rights groups and journalists in Ethiopia and the use of so-called “anti-terror” laws to stifle the legitimate work of civil society actors in both Kenya and Ethiopia underscore their overall failure to adhere to democratic principles and international human rights standards.
Human rights: dignity and solidarity

Tabgha Church
Oh God, the chest is replete with bitterness… do not turn that into spite.
Oh God, the heart is replete with pain… do not turn that into vengeance.
Oh God, the spirit is replete with fear… do not turn that into hatred.
Oh God, my body is weak… do not turn my weakness into despair. - Faisal Al-Husseini
Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh Global News Centre

Tabghe Church in the Galillee withstood 1700 years of various rulers in Palestine. It is the church on the location we are told where Jesus multiplied the fish and the bread. For the first time in its long history it was burned nearly completely (arson) this week. The perpetrators wrote in red Hebrew graffiti that the “idol worshippers” will also be killed!
(BETHLEHEM) Tabghe Church in the Galillee withstood 1700 years of various rulers in Palestine. It is the church on the location we are told where Jesus multiplied the fish and the bread. For the first time in its long history it was burned nearly completely (arson) this week. The perpetrators wrote in red Hebrew graffiti that the “idol worshippers” will also be killed! It joins other churches and dozens of mosques destroyed since the founding of the “Jewish state” in Palestine. Israel is a repressive country that violates basic human rights including freedom of religion. It inculcates in its public and private Jewish only schools notions of chosenness and racism (just read Nurit Peled-Elhanan research into this subject). Just see these two examples of the products of Zionist indoctrination: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IX9Tk2TMA6Q
Western Europe’s retreat from religion provides vacuum for ISIS recruitment

As young people ask questions about the meaning of life and seek to discover a meaning and purpose for their own lives, the place once occupied by the church is, more and more, now empty.
Allan Brownfeld Global News Centre
(WASHINGTON DC) Terrorist attacks in such Western European cities as Paris, Copenhagen and Brussels indicate that the threat of radical Islam is growing in the heart of Europe. About four thousand Europeans have gone to fight with ISIS in Syria since the outbreak of war in 2011. Writing in The New Yorker, in an article entitled “Journey to Jihad,” Ben Taub notes that, “The migration of youths from seemingly stable and prosperous communities to fight with radical Islamists has bewildered not only their families but governments and security forces throughout Europe.”
Terrorism: ultimate weapon of the global elite
Fear is the opposite of love. If you want someone to do what you want, you are frightened, not loving. The poets and songwriters have long told us that love is ‘letting go’. The person in your cage is not a loved companion; the individual who is genuinely free but chooses to stay feels loved.
Robert J. Burrowes Global News Centre
(TASMANIA) The usual definition of a ‘terrorist’ is simple: a person who uses violence in the pursuit of a political objective.
By this definition, the two major categories of terrorist are those political leaders who perpetrate state terror by attacking other countries (ranging from launching a war, perhaps following a false flag operation, to conducting a drone strike) – see the classic book ‘The Real Terror Network: Terrorism in Fact and Propaganda’ http://www.amazon.com/The-Real-Terror-Network-Propaganda/dp/0896081346 – and those political leaders who use military violence in defense of a political objective. For insight into the damaged psychology of violent political leaders, see ‘Understanding Obama and other People Who Kill’ http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL1305/S00051/understanding-obama-and-other-people-who-kill.htm For much greater detail, see ‘Why Violence?’ http://tinyurl.com/whyviolence
Obama “Preacher In Chief” at prayer breakfast
The president’s critics, including “Republican pundits, and GOP presidential candidates have attempted to force the President to equate the religion of Islam with atrocities perpetrated in Islam’s name”.
Dr. James Wall Global News Centre
(CHICAGO) President Obama’s speech at the 2015 National Prayer Breakfast February 5, was not a speech. It was a sermon. “Those fortunate to see the speech witnessed President Obama as Preacher in Chief.”
This critique was rendered by Egberto Willies, a Contributing Editor for Daily KOS. In good sermonic form, Obama proclaimed:
“Humanity has been grappling with these questions throughout human history. And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”
Anthony Lawson, one of the world’s finest narrators, RIP
Lawson delivered the goods when it came to suffering people, he was a force in the world, we will miss him greatly.
Tim King Global News Centre
(SALEM) It is always hard to learn that a friend has passed, Anthony Lawson, who spent his life working in television and advertising in Australia and the UK, was a steadfast advocate for human rights. His open criticism of Israeli apartheid and his illustration of the suffering of the Palestinian people, was unmatched. He was a perfectionist, that is clear in everything he ever published.
Anthony turned over stones in his pursuit of knowledge that others passed without a thought.
Russia, India and China: the emerging Eurasian equation

“Those who use fire to assist their attacks are intelligent; those who use inundations are powerful.” [sic] - SUN TZU in the ‘ART OF WAR’
Arun Shrivastava CMC for Global News Centre
(CHENNAI) The three dominant components of BRICS in the Eurasian landmass are Russia, India and China or RIC. Led by Vladimir Putin, Narendra Modi and Xi Jinping, the three have forged an economic, energy, trade, finance and banking, and weapons (manufacturing and trade) alliance within a span of five months. Military cooperation will be a continuous feature as much as a coordinated effort to neutralise and eventually defeat largely USA sponsored terrorism.
Such tectonic shifts in geo-politics do not happen overnight. Here are a few points that illustrate the processes that went behind the scene.
Thoughts on freedom of expression in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo Massacre
I am not playing a blame the victim game. No one should be killed or injured over cartoons no matter how offensive they are perceived to be. And free expression does not mean that religions shouldn’t be lampooned.
Ralph E. Stone Global News Centre
(SAN FRANCISCO) Much has been written about the killing of 12 people and the wounding of 11 others at the French satirical weekly publication Charlie Hebdo. The discussion has for the most part been quite healthy concerning freedom of expression. Freedom of expression is a right but it comes with a responsibility.
In the United States, the 1969 Supreme Court in Brandenberg v. Ohio struck down the conviction of a Ku Klux Klan member, and established a new standard: Speech can be suppressed only if it is intended, and likely to produce, “imminent lawless action.” Otherwise, even speech that advocates violence is protected. The Brandenberg standard prevails in the U.S. today. Article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, states that “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
Terror In Paris: is the West prepared for jihadis returning from fighting In Iraq and Syria?

Photo: Tribute To Victims Killed During France Attack. Courtesy: kmov.com
France has, it seems, failed to assimilate its immigrant population and transmit to them the Western values of, among other things, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of the press.
Allan Brownfeld Global News Centre
(WASHINGTON DC) The terror attacks in Paris raise many questions about how prepared the West, including our own country, is to confront Islamist terrorism, particularly in the face of thousands of young people holding French, British, American and other Western passports who are now in the Middle East fighting with groups such as ISIS and al Qaeda. Before long, many of them will return, and events such as we have witnessed in Paris—-and also at the Boston Marathon, the Madrid and London subways and in Ottawa and Sydney—-may proliferate.