Tag Archives: Safety
FDA approves a dangerous opioid based on “cheap party” study! Disturbing and true!

The drug was altered in various ways, and the participants were asked whether they liked the drug and would use it again. Most said they would not.
Marianne Skolek-Perez Global News Centre
(MYRTLE BEACH) FDA advisory committee strikes again and recommended approval of Vantrela ER (Teva Pharmaceuticals), a new hydrocodone bitartrate extended-release tablet with abuse-deterrent capabilities. As the U.S. is fighting a devastating epidemic of prescription opioid/heroin addictions and deaths, the FDA approves yet another opioid. Maybe someone should ask the FDA “how many opioids does it take to devastate every state in the country?” The US is #1 in the world in opioid use followed closely by Canada.
Target Stores mock parents who have lost children to the prescription opioid/heroin epidemic!
Hopefully Target’s profits for Christmas shopping will reflect families outrage in all 50 states for mocking the prescription opioid/heroin epidemic — and the loss of the lives of children.
Marianne Skolek Global News Centre
(MYRTLE BEACH) Target Stores have been promoting a “Spritz Halloween Syringe Pen” for sale in their “family” stores all over the country. (Photo of syringe pens are shown). When I learned of Target’s outrageous retail practice of profiting from a drug epidemic which is resulting in deaths and addictions in the tens of thousands, I emailed the following to John Mulligan, Executive VP:
Florida Board of Medicine you have a pill mill crisis in your state! Why are you contributing to it?

Surveillance image from what was once South Florida’s largest pill mill. Courtesy: wsvn.com
Have you seen the statistics in Florida of the deaths and addictions to controlled substances?
Marianne Skolek Global News Centre
(MYRTLE BEACH) There is an organization of ordinary citizens operating out of Florida called StoppNow. Here is a link to their website http://stoppnow.com/?page_id=252. These ordinary citizens recognize that pill mills operating out of storefront buildings are warehouses of prescription opioids who are dispensing pills to hopelessly addicted people lined up outside the storefront pill mills. So StoppNow organizes picket lines in front of the pill mills calling attention to law enforcement and the D.E.A. that people are dying and families torn apart because of these pill mills. Ordinary citizens saving lives — heroes in every sense of the word.
To: Canada — Should Lynn R. Webster, MD be serving on your prescription opioid advisory panel?
Webster’s pain clinic in Salt Lake City, Utah was raided by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) a few years ago because of deaths at his clinic — 20 plus.
Marianne Skolek Global News Centre
(MYRTLE BEACH) An organization in Canada called “Get Prescription Drugs Off the Street” aka GPDOTS.com (website www.GPDOTS.com) headed by Amy Graves recently wrote a letter to the Canadian Minister of Health. A copy of their letter can be viewed here: https://www.scribd.com/doc/271952270/Gp-Dots-Pharma-Letter-Nova-Scotia-71015
GPDOTS has justifiable concern as they reference “Pharmaceutical marketing and their conflicts of interest in Canada.” They cite the influence pharmaceutical companies have on Canadian physicians with troubling guidelines and regulatory bodies.
“Sowing the Wind” at Los Alamos and “Reaping the Whirlwind” at Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and Fukushima”
“Down in New Mexico we were trav’lin’ along. Stopped in Los Alamos, didn’t stay long, But we wanted to see the scene of the crime Where they made the A-bomb and then created a shrine.”—From Keeping the Peace, by singer-songwriter Sara Thomsen
By Gary G. Kohls, MD
(DULUTH) 70 years ago this week (July 16, 1945), an assortment of foreign scientists, the original group of which were mostly refugees fleeing European fascism, succeeded in exploding the first experimental atomic bomb.
The site of detonation of the plutonium bomb (which was essentially identical to the one that ambushed and destroyed Nagasaki a few weeks later on August 9) was in the desert outside Alamogordo, New Mexico. The site of the blast was to become blasphemously known as the Trinity Site. Trinity was the code name for the experiment and the Manhattan Project was the code name for the US Army’s secret project to develop atomic bombs, with the stated intent to use them against military targets in Nazi Germany. That is, until Germany surrendered before any of the bombs were ready to launch.
Iraq and Afghanistan veterans poisoned by open burn pits

The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the use of open burn pits have exposed thousands of veterans to dangerous chemicals.
VA insists there are no long-term health effects of exposure to burn pits. Veterans sue defense contractors.
Robert O’Dowd Global News Centre
(SALEM) Dioxin is one of the deadly toxins from incomplete combustion from open burn pits. This is the same carcinogen found in Agent Orange and other herbicides used in Vietnam, killing thousands of veterans.
“Combustion byproducts” is a common term for the chemical mixture that is caused by burning petroleum fuels (e.g., gasoline, heating oil, jet fuel, and diesel).
U.S. donors offer $150,000 to improve gender equality, education for Vietnam’s rural children

This file photo show children are playing in a rural area in Vietnam.
Tuoi Tre
The U.S. group Monsanto and the US.-based Room to Read has announced a cooperation program worth VND3.2 billion (roughly US$150,000) to improve education and gender equality for children of farmers in Vietnam.
Global News Centre
(HANOI Tuoitrenews) The Monsanto group is a giant in the agriculture business while Room to Read is an international non-government organization operating in the field of offering education support.
The joint program of the two organizations is expected to help improve the ability and love of reading among students at the elementary level through the establishment of libraries and book publishers.
It will also help give secondary education to hundreds of girls and equip them with necessary life kills.
Is Heroin the pharmaceutical industry’s “new best friend?”
Every day I receive emails from families losing their children and loved ones to heroin.
Marianne Skolek Global News Centre
(MYRTLE BEACH) In April 2002, my daughter Jill was killed by prescribed OxyContin and Purdue Pharma’s marketing lies. I set out to learn everything I could about Purdue Pharma to expose their lies. If you follow my articles about the corruption of the FDA and the Purdue Pharmas in Salem-News.com and Globalnewscentre.com you will see that I have accomplished those goals.
NASA warned in 2010 of asteroid on trajectory to strike near Puerto Rico, causing massive tsunami

The government is preparing for the impact but NASA and FEMA are keeping it a secret to prevent the panic that would result from such a disclosure.
Robert O’Dowd Global News Centre
(SOMERDALE, NJ) Rev. Efrain Rodriquez is not a Chicken Little who believes the world is coming to an end. We don’t know the mass and velocity of an asteroid that was reported to NASA by the Rev. Efrain Rodriquez, but if he is correct, it will be a game stopper. Rodriquez wrote NASA on November 12, 2010, about a meteor that was heading toward Puerto Rico and would “soon be seen in the alarm systems of NASA, and the computer scientists and observers of the world to see it.”
Did OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma stoop to new low, deflecting from Kentucky, California and Illinois lawsuits?

Every day for the past 13 years, I receive emails and stories from families who are suffering the loss of loved ones to addiction and death because of the lies told by Purdue Pharma and their paid spokespeople.
Marianne Skolek Global News Centre
(MYRTLE BEACH) On Nov. 17, 2014 Purdue Pharma, maker of OxyContin, claimed attorney Mark Hurt of Abingdon, Va., used information from a previous, unsuccessful whistle blower lawsuit against Purdue Pharma to file another through the plaintiff’s wife and former coworker. The allegation is contained in a motion asking U.S. District Judge Irene Berger, of the Southern District of West Virginia, to force the plaintiffs and their attorneys to pay Purdue Pharma’s nearly $850,000 legal bill. See Legal Newsline link http://legalnewsline.com/news/254335-purdue-pharma-says-plaintiffs-attorney-fed-info-to-new-whistleblowers-after-first-suit-failed.
Statin Drugs Cause Brain Dysfunction

It is shocking to me that so many health care providers and nearly all cardiologists would ever prescribe these medications for any patient. Heart disease patients are not developing heart disease due to a statin-deficiency syndrome. Perhaps these health care providers should start doing what doctors were taught to do: Search for the underlying cause of the illness and address that.
Dr. David Brownstein Holistic Family Medicine
Statins are the most profitable medications in the history of Big Pharma. They are promoted as the go-to medications to prevent/treat heart disease. A recent study found nearly 100% of men and 62% of women aged 66-75 should take a statin medication even if their cholesterol level is normal. (1)