Tag Archives: Rape
Is Oregon Prison Setting a Black Inmate Up for Murder?

Oregon State Penitentiary transfers a known “enemy” inmate into a prison where a falsely convicted Black inmate is preparing for release. This fits a pattern where inmates are set up for murder by state officials well aware of the animosity between the inmates.
Tim King Global News Centre(SALEM) Terrence Kimble was falsely convicted of Sex Abuse and sentenced to an unusually high number of years (19) for a crime he didn’t commit. White inmates serve much shorter sentences for the same crime as shown in this report, titled, “White Men Can Dance” (www.salem-news.com/articles/april032012/terrence-kimble-tk.php)
Vicky Sepass: My role in her death, and my own
Kevin Annett recounts the deliberate torture and starving to death of 9 year old Vicky Sepass at the United Church Indian residential school in Port Alberni.
Kevin Annett Global News Centre
(NAINAMO ISLAND) She was slightly older than me, but we would have been in the same grade in United Church Sunday school class, which we both attended as children. Every worship day, I wore a proper suit and tie and clutched my white offering envelope in which a single Canadian dollar would help fill the coffers of what the United Church still calls its “Mission and Service Fund”. But Vicky Sepass wore a shabby grey uniform and had nothing to put in the plate on Sundays, for she herself was the offering.
Regime Has Brought No Change to the Tamils

Monument to Tamils slain by the Sri Lankan government in a Genocide that culminated in 2009, yet continues today.
The only change that has taken place is that the people have become more daring than at any time during the last six years to come forward and present their views.
Intro by Visvanathan for Global News Centre
(CHENNAI) Please read the links below and see what change the new regime has brought to the Tamils in their Homeland. As a couple of TNA leaders gloat around, has it in any way brought any relief to the Tamils? In the first link all Tamils in the North and the East are protesting against local investigations in War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity. They have no faith in the local mechanism. They want an international investigation into war crimes. Please find out what the people have to say.
NY TImes: Sri Lanka’s Tamil minority grows impatient with just promises
Sri Lanka’s Tamil Minority Grows Impatient With Just Promises
Visvanathan Global News Centre
(CHENNAI) The New York Times article is one of the finest I have ever read from the Western media, and definitely from the Indian media which keeps the Indian public ignorant of all the inhuman crimes committed against the Tamils by the Sinhalese during the last 67 years. It is a good eye opener for most of the Westerner.
The SL army grabs Tamil lands and sets up security camps in which they run farms and bring in Sinhalese from the South to settle. The military sets up,hotels, golf courses, swimming pools for their own pleasure. The food in the hotels are supplied by the Military canteens and the soldiers sell their vegetables in the market. How do you expect the Tamil public to compete with these soldiers, whose overheads are zero?
While the Sinhalese good life goes on in the Tamil Homeland, the Tamils suffer from the pain of missing kith and kin and their lost lands. Every Tamil family has lost a member during the war, but they still insist they want their lands back. Manguladevi Rasamanikam, 60, who now lives in a more squalid area than the refugee camp she left earlier said simply: “This is our land.”
Violence Against Women: why we keep getting it wrong

If some of the people with whom we interact are particularly scared when people disagree with them, then they will tend to be more forthright in seeking our ‘agreement’ (especially, perhaps, in particular contexts).
Robert J. Burrowes Global News Centre
(TASMANIA) With the passing of another International Women’s Day, during which much attention around the world has again been focused on tackling violence against women, I would like to explain why none of the initiatives currently being proposed will achieve anything unless we acknowledge, and act on, the cause of this violence.
So let me briefly explain the fundamental cause of violence in our world, including the cause of violence against women, and invite you to do something very personal and effective about it.
Perpetrators of violence learn their craft in childhood. If you inflict violence on a child, it learns to inflict violence on others. The terrorist suffered violence as a child. The individual who perpetrates violence in the home, in the schoolyard or on the street suffered violence as a child. The man who inflicts violence on women suffered violence as a child.
Father of gang-raped Christian girls demands justice for his daughters

Ilyas Masih, Father of gang-raped Christian girls Sherish and Farzana takes on the rapists with help of BPCA and LEAD.
The girls were reportedly taken to a home and repeatedly gang-raped, beaten and abused, turn by turn the whole night.
Mushtaq Gill Special to Global News Centre
(LAHORE) On 9 March, 2015, Ilyas Masih, father of two gang-raped underage Catholic girls, came to meet Sardar Mushtaq Gill, Human Rights Defender and High Court Advocate for free legal assistance to challenge the grant of bail that saw two rapists set free and for trial of the two cases. The meeting transpired after British Pakistani Christian Association Chairman, Wilson Chowdhry, approached Sardar Mushtaq Gill, Human Rights Defender and Chief of the Legal Evangelical Development Association (LEAD) on behalf of two Christian under age girls. Mr Chowdhry expressed his desire to push for justice for the girls who were beaten, spat upon and had their faith mocked during one of the most brutal rape ordeals in Pakistan (click here).
Nobel Nominee Kevin Annett publishes explosive novel: Samuel Wedge: Memoir of Necropolis
Kevin Annett was recently re-nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by scholars in America and not, tellingly, by his own countrymen.
Global News Centre
On the 20th Anniversary of his kangaroo court firing from the United Church of Canada, Reverend Kevin Annett has produced a blockbuster novel: an autobiographical treatment, emboldened by fiction, which reveals more than most people want to hear about Church, State and even judicial chambers.
To be released by AuthorHouse in Bloomington, Indiana next week, it will be in a bookstore near you shortly. In paperback, the cost is $19.95, and even cheaper in e-book format.
Pakistan: Two minor sisters reportedly gang raped at gunpoint by three Muslim men

If you are thinking of helping someone at Christmas these innocent Christians who have suffered so much, would make worthy candidates.
Global News Centre
(FAISALABAD) Today, Pastor Razaq came to LEAD (Legal Evangelical Assistance Development) office and requested for legal assistance and support for two sisters who were abducted and raped at gunpoint by three Muslim men at Jaranwala village Chak No.651/2, a very small village with approximatly 200 families, of which around forty are Christian. Most residents earn their livelihood as labourers. div>
From child killing to union busting: business as usual in the United Church of Canada
Janet McDonald (the United Church staffer) went into a rage … I asked if she was threatening us and she said, “I’ll do more than threaten you” and she came at me with a closed fist ready to strike me in the head. I suppose this is the Christian thing to do. She then grabbed our 10 x 10 shade tent and threw it out onto the road where it broke. - striking CUPE union member, United Church Naramata Centre, Kelowna, September 28, 2014
Kevin D. Annett Global News Centre
(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) The place bears what once was a fond memory for me: that sunny May afternoon at the Naramata Centre, back in 1990, when I was ordained into the ranks of complicity as a United Church clergyman. The place is really beautiful, as befits a hang out for comfy and chubby church goers: serene parkland on the shores of lovely Lake Okanagan, far away from aboriginal lawsuits, mass graves of brown kids and bad vibes. But things aren’t especially lovely these days for the union members who work at the Naramata Centre, who’ve been locked out by the officially “justice loving” United Church of Canada because of the latter’s desire to cut costs by contracting out their jobs.
Sexual consent & Israel’s biggest lie - the Orange strikes back (VIDEO)
Only fools believe what they are told, when it is clear that much else is being hidden.
Anthony Lawson Global News Centre
(BANGKOK) My latest video explains why Israel has NOT got the right to “defend itself” against the people it has made prisoners of war in a conflict that Israel started in 1948.
Killing Palestinians it has kept imprisoned in Gaza for seven long years was and is a war crime.
The Maggots are dropping like flies: a requiem for Cardinal Sean Brady, as the papal mess falls

Cardinal Sean Brady photo courtesy: The Guardian
Forcing an eleven year old church rape victim to sign a statement that it never happened is one of the sad but necessary jobs of any catholic priest – and they all do it, or protect those who do.
Global News Centre
(NANAIMO ISLAND) Life is tough these days for that growing constitutency known as deposed catholic hierarchs.
Ask Sean Brady. One moment he’s riding high as Ireland’s top papal cop, dining with Presidents and smiling for the cameras; then in a twinkling, he’s out on his ass, wondering what the bejazuz went wrong.