Tag Archives: Police
Does Israel need a New law to frisk and search?
Israel tells Father America it will pass new laws to “frisk and search” all Palestinians. Why? As a “security measure” for Israeli citizens.
Dr. James Wall Global News Centre
(CHICAGO) Israel knows as long as it couches all its sins in claims of victimhood, Father America will give Israel whatever Israel deems to be its pleasure.
“Security measures” are a cruel joke on a captive population. “Security measures” are mere window dressing by a so-called democracy where justice prevails only for Jewish citizens.
India: Ensure integrity and security of Soni Sori

Soni Sori
I express my concern over the threats against human rights defender Soni Sori, which it believes to be an attempt to prevent her from carrying out her peaceful and legitimate advocacy in defence of human rights.
William Nicholas Gomes, Global News Centre Human Rights Ambassador
(LONDON) On 1 August 2015, following a press conference which Soni Sori held at the Jagdalpur press club to discuss the unlawful murder of Mr Hemla Podiya, she was threatened by Inspector General Mr Kalluri. Helma Podiya, who lived in Nahadi village in Dantewada, was shot in the back by a police officer on 28 July 2015. While the police maintain that it was an encounter killing, during the press conference Soni Sori publicly stated that the killing was arbitrary. On 30 July 2015 she had visited Nahadi village and talked to witnesses who stated that there was no confrontation between the police and Helma Podiya, and that the killing was therefore unlawful. On the night of 28 July 2015, joint security forces consisting of 500 officers reportedly raided homes and beat villagers in Nahadi village. Hearing the commotion, Helma Podiya left home and, shortly after, was shot dead by one of the officers.
Duty to Warn: what psych drugs was Lufthansa Co-Pilot Andreas Lubitz taking?

Andreas Lubitz photo courtesy: theguardian.com
What People Need to Know About the Latest Mass Murder. (Especially reporters and their editors)
Gary G. Kohls, MD for Global News Centre
(DULUTH) “Even at normal doses, taking psychiatric drugs can produce suicidal thinking, violent behavior, aggressiveness, extreme anger, hostility, irritability, loss of ability to control impulses, rage reactions, hallucinations, mania, acute psychotic episodes, akathisia, and bizarre, grandiose, highly elaborated destructive plans, including mass murder.
“Withdrawal from psychiatric drugs can cause agitation, severe depression, hallucinations, aggressiveness, hypomania, akathisia, fear, terror, panic, fear of insanity, failing self-confidence, restlessness, irritability, aggression, an urge to destroy and, in the worst cases, an urge to kill.” - From Preventive Psychiatry E-Newsletter # 296: “Drug Studies Connecting Psychotropic Drugs with Acts of Violence” – unpublished.
San Francisco Sheriff on the hot seat again
San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi
According to the San Francisco city charter, removing a public official for misconduct requires the vote of nine of eleven supervisors. I concluded after reviewing the facts that Mirkarimi’s actions fell far below the standards of decency that San Franciscans demand of their sheriff.
Ralph E. Stone Global News Centre
(SAN FRANCISCO) It has been widely reported that the San Francisco Sheriff’s deputies are accused of forcing inmates to fight “gladiator-style” to entertain guards who bet on the outcome and even forced the inmates to train for future fights. What has not been widely discussed, is, if the allegations are true, what responsibility does San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi have for the misconduct? What did he know and if he did not know, why not?
Anger at ‘hideous collusion’ over Scottish training of Sri Lankan police

“Human rights campaigners and family members of people subjected to enforced disappearance were threatened and arrested, and fatal attacks on religious minorities went unpunished…” - Siobhan Reardon, Amnesty International’s Programme Director in Scotland
Global News Centre
(TAMIL GUARDIAN) Scotland’s police service is due to renew a controversial deal under which Sri Lanka’s security forces receive training, The National reported on Thursday.
The Scottish Police College (SPC) has provided the training since 2007 but the current contract is due to expire at the end of this month.
However, in a move that has been condemned by politicians and human rights campaigners, the SPC have confirmed that they are close to sealing a new contract for 2015-2016 to further work to develop Sri Lanka’s National Police Academy.
The Danger of making police scapegoats for larger racial problems
The inner-city culture which promotes the social dissolution that results in crime has been written about for many years by respected black observers.
Allan Brownfeld Global News Centre
(WASHINGTON DC) The attacks upon police for “racism” have been mounting as a result of the killings of black men in Ferguson, Missouri, Staten Island and elsewhere. Many with a history of demagoguery when it comes to questions of race relations, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton among them, have done their best to keep this issue alive. Sadly, they have cast more heat than light on a question which is far more complex than their self-serving analysis would lead Americans to believe.
Recently, FBI director James Comey addressed this question. At the outset, he declared certain “hard truths,” including the fact that the history of law enforcement has been tied to enforcing slavery, segregation and other forms of discrimination. “One reason we cannot forget our law enforcement legacy,” he said, “is that the people we serve and protect cannot forget it, either.”
Anti-police rhetoric misunderstands the reality of inner city life

NYPD officers in Manhattan, photo by Tim King Global News Centre
The new mayor, the first Democrat to be elected in New York for twenty years, represents a sharp turn from the close alliance between his predecessors, Rudolf Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg, and law enforcement.
Allan Brownfeld Global News Centre
(WASHINGTON DC) The killings of two police officers in New York City has focused attention upon the anti-police rhetoric which, in the view of many, helped to create an atmosphere in which such an action could take place.
The New York gunman, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, wrote on social media that he intended to kill cops and was angry about the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, who were killed by police officers in Ferguson, Missouri and New York.
809 area code scam

Return calls to familiar numbers only. As a general rule, return calls from numbers that contain familiar or recognizable area codes. You may call your directory assistance or long distance operator to check the area code location.
Global News Centre
(WASHINGTON DC) This long distance phone scam causes consumers to inadvertently incur high charges on their phone bills. Consumers usually receive a message telling them to call a phone number with an 809, 284, 649, or 876 area code in order to collect a prize, find out information about a sick relative, etc.
The caller assumes the number is a typical three-digit U.S. area code; however, the caller is actually connected to a phone number outside the United States, often in Canada or the Caribbean, and charged international call rates. Unfortunately, consumers don’t find out that they have been charged higher international call rates until they receive their bill.
Thoughts on the Ferguson matter
There is a saying that if a prosecutor wants it, the grand jury would indict a ham sandwich. However, in cases involving police shootings, grand juries tend not to indict.
Ralph E. Stone Global News Centre
(SAN FRANCISCO) Everyone now knows that on August 9 Darren Wilson, a white police officer, shot and killed Michael Brown, an African-American teenager, in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. On November 24, a St. Louis grand jury announced that it was not indicting Mr. Wilson.
Being confronted by Officer Go F*uck Yourself in Ferguson
If a 20-year veteran police lieutenant acts like this, we are all in trouble…
Global News Centre
(FERGUSON) Those of us watching a Livestream feed from protestors Wednesday night saw the most disturbing video clip, of a rogue police officer with an assault weapon thrashing around and threatening to kill peaceful, non violent demonstrators.
The officer pointed his rifle at Rebelutionary_Z’s companion, identified as Josiah (an African-American), and said “I will f*cking kill you, get back.”
“Ferguson police just executed my unarmed son!”
Lesley McSpadden, right, the mother of 18-year-old Michael Brown, watches as Brown’s father, Michael Brown Sr., holds up a family picture of himself. Courtesy: utsandiego.com
“Please exercise your authority to complete a rigorous investigation of the Ferguson Police Department’s racially discriminatory policing, prosecute said officers to the fullest extent of the law, and begin the firing process for all involved officers…”
Petition by Rashad Robinson
To be delivered to Eric Holder, United States Attorney General, Chris Koster, Missouri Attorney General, and Thomas Jackson, Ferguson Police Chief
(FERGUSON, Mo.) I write demanding full accountability for the police killing of 18-year-old Michael Brown. On August 9th, 2014 a Ferguson police officer racially profiled and fatally shot Michael as the teen stood in the street with his hands in the air. Police subsequently failed to properly notify the family of Michael’s death and callously left the young man lying deceased in the street for hours.