Tag Archives: Oxycontin
“Someone’s Child” — “My Addict” as written by a Forever Broken Mom

I’ve seen a couple of posts or comments on FB from people talking negatively about addicts or addiction. Some thinking that an addict is worthless or less than everyone else. Let me assure you, that addict is everything to someone.
Marianne Skolek Perez, Investigative Reporter
(MYRTLE BEACH) All day — every day so many of these faces come over to me. We are losing a generation of beautiful, young people. Do you think it is time to stop idolizing the “wannabe rock star advocates” and work on prevention, education and treatment like your child’s life depends on it? Can a focus be put on “harm elimination” rather than “harm reduction?”
The Legacy of Scott Gottlieb, MD, Commissioner of FDA - Watchdog or “Lapdog”

Quite a legacy Dr. Gottlieb is leaving the country with as watchdog for the safety and lives of the American people. With his financial interest in the vaping or e-cigarette industry, he should be able to live a rather comfortable life — as a lapdog.
Marianne Skolek Perez, Investigative Reporter
(MYRTLE BEACH) After a stint of less than two years as Commissioner of the FDA, Scott Gottlieb, MD has announced his resignation to “spend more time with his family.”
Does FDA’s Janet Woodcock, MD need to be fired as a threat to the lives of Americans?

If the FDA under Woodcock’s direction is to be the “watchdog” of the American people in keeping them safe from dangerous drugs, maybe it’s time for the pit bull to be terminated in the interest of saving innumerable lives.
Marianne Skolek Perez, Investigative Reporter
(MYRTLE BEACH) Janet Woodcock, MD is the Director of the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). CDER determines what drugs are safe and effective to improve the quality of life for people in the United States and is promoted as overseeing testing in clinical trials. However, clinical trials are more often than not conducted in the labs of the maker of the drug — not in the labs of the FDA. The FDA relies on the pharmaceutical testing lab to advise of the outcome of their clinical trials.
The Root of the Opioid Epidemic has always been at the Top - the FDA. Now let’s do something about it!

It’s time for “ready, aim, fire” to sweep the FDA and HHS clean and save lives — not enable the pharmaceutical industry to earns billions of dollars while we continue to lose a future generation compliments of agencies failing to protect the American people.
Marianne Skolek Perez, Investigative Reporter
(MYRTLE BEACH) In my 17 years of writing and speaking of the ever worsening prescription opioid epidemic, I have maintained that the root of the epidemic is at the top — the FDA. Purdue Pharma, maker of the highly addictive and dangerous opioid, OxyContin unleashed a holocaust of deaths and addictions by working with the FDA to win approval for long-term use of opioids — in particular OxyContin. I have worked with Attorneys General, attorneys, elected officials, physicians and entities who were as determined as me to expose the FDA and Purdue Pharma for their parts in encouraging opioids for long-term use.
Senator Lamar Alexander were you duped by the U.S. Pain Foundation?

Let me know Senator Alexander when you will be holding a hearing for family members to testify how their loved ones were prescribed dangerous opioids, became addicted and died because of criminal marketing by pharma.
Marianne Skolek Perez, Investigative Reporter
(MYRTLE BEACH) On February 12, the National Director of Policy and Advocacy for the U.S. Pain Foundation testified at a hearing of the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. The hearing “Managing Pain During the Opioid Crisis” was chaired by U.S. Senator Alexander. The National Director arrived on the Senate floor laying on a cot and at the point of testimony, transferred to sitting in a chair. In 2015, she had testified in front of the U.S. Senate laying on a yoga mat holding a microphone.
Kentucky your drug epidemic has a name and a face — Meet Jon!

Jon’s sister wants answers — and is entitled to answers — as are the thousands of other families who have lost loved ones in drug torn counties like Butler, Kentucky.
Marianne Skolek Perez, Investigative Reporter
(MYRTLE BEACH) By way of introduction, Kentucky this was Jon. He was a son, a father and a brother. He was loved by family and friends. On July 27, 2018 Jon died in a drug ravaged town in Butler County, Kentucky where the words “empowerment”, “prevention”, “education” and “treatment” are not used. Jon died of a drug overdose. The deaths have become a matter of daily routine and accepted — even by law enforcement. Why investigate the cause of death or who provided the drug(s) that ultimately kill residents of war torn towns in Kentucky? There will only be another “Jon” dying tomorrow and the next day and the day after.
Purdue Pharma and “The Sacklers” Crimes Against Humanity!

Was critical information withheld that potentially could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives to addiction and death as billions of dollars were put in the pockets of the perpetrators and their benefactors?
Marianne Skolek Perez, Investigative Reporter
(MYRTLE BEACH) Attached are photos of the front page of The Orlando Sentinel who did an explosive series in October 2003 on Purdue Pharma and their deadly new drug, OxyContin. The series exposed the criminal marketing of OxyContin by Purdue Pharma in a 5 part series. You will not find this series on the Internet. Fortunately I have copies of the newspapers and will protect the name of the journalist who I consider a hero for the investigative work put into the series. The journalist was an award winning writer, who as a result of this series, caused Purdue Pharma to threaten The Orlando Sentinel and the journalist was unceremoniously terminated.
Opioid Epidemic - The Root is at the Top - the FDA!

Maybe Dr. Gottleib can answer my question which begs asking “If Dsuvia (Sufentanil) is restricted to use in certified medically-supervised health care settings ‒ such as hospitals, surgical centers and emergency departments ‒ for administration by a health care professional how does that qualify a battlefield?
Marianne Skolek Perez, Investigative Reporter
(MYRTLE BEACH) How did Dsuvia also known as Sufentanil sublingual receive FDA approval when Scott Gottleib, MD, Commissioner of the FDA acknowledges a “crisis of opioid addiction”? On November 28, 2018 I wrote an article for several publications regarding the threat to human life with the FDA approval of Dsuvia (Sufentanil). The opioid is to be administered sublingually (faster absorption) and is approximately<b> 5 to 10 times more potent than its parent drug, Fentanyl and 500 times as potent as morphine. Links to my article are shown below.
“FDA remove Sufentanil (Dsuvia) as you did Palladone in 2005! It’s dangerous!”

Janet Woodcock, MD is current FDA Director of the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. Maybe she can advise under her watch — during an opioid epidemic in the U.S., why she does not question the dangers of Sufentanil (Dsuvia) being released on the American people.
Marianne Skolek Perez, Investigative Reporter
(MYRTLE BEACH) In early 2005, I exposed Purdue Pharma, maker of OxyContin, for marketing a dangerous opioid called Palladone. In July 2005, Palladone was removed from the market following an FDA request because of “safety concerns” An FDA news release stated that “serious and potentially fatal adverse reactions could occur when Palladone (hydromorphone hydrochloride) extended release capsules were taken together with alcohol.” (See news release below).
Maura Healey, Attorney General, Massachusetts and her lawsuit against Purdue Pharma

Recently AG Healey “took on” the maker of OxyContin, Purdue Pharma, but did she really?
Marianne Skolek-Perez Global News Centre
(MYRTLE BEACH) Massachusetts Attorney General (AG) Maura Healey filed a lawsuit against the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical company, Purdue Pharma, maker of the highly addictive OxyContin. The AG alleged that Purdue Pharma misled consumers about OxyContin’s addiction and health risks in order to increase its profits. She also named the Sackler family, owners of Purdue Pharma, as well as members of the pharmaceutical company’s Board of Directors. Interesting approach, but one that made me very curious. So I will make some observations, ask some questions and maybe, I will receive some answers because some things do not quite sit well here,
Rudy Giuliani succeeded in keeping Purdue Pharma out of prison resulting in thousands of deaths!

Purdue Pharma, maker of OxyContin, pleaded guilty in federal court in 2007 to criminal charges that they misled regulators, doctors and patients about the drug’s risk of addiction and its potential to be abused. The disgraced privately held Purdue Pharma, owned by the billionaire Sackler family, brought in “big guns” to negotiate the monetary settlement and hired Rudy Giuliani to avoid prison time. Judge James Jones presiding over the sentencing imposed community service hours at a drug rehabilitation center to the three CEO’s of Purdue Pharma. They were Michael Friedman, President, Howard Udell, Chief Counsel (now deceased) and Paul Goldenheim, MD. With Giuliani’s shrewd legal skills utilized, Purdue Pharma continued to make billions of dollars while their created prescription opioid epidemic raged out of control.