Tag Archives: Monsanto
Ban GMO’s in India immediately
The contents of the following was presented in letter form and sent to the Office of the (PM) Prime Minister of India by [SEDEM] Society for Economic Development and Environmental Management, New Dehli, India in August 2014:
Arun Shrivastava CMC for Global News Centre
(CHENNAI) Genetically Modified [GM], also called Genetically Engineered [GE], seeds and foods are extreme health and environmental hazards yet this year 120 food crops were approved for release in March 2014 and additional 13 varieties in July 2014. In this paper, we briefly review regulation and approval process, recent researches and the geo politics of seeds. We further recommend nine specific steps, including complete ban on open field trials, to make India safe from this dangerous technology.
GMO safety debunked – hidden dangers revealed as public demands labels
In light of this information, don’t you think that the public deserves labels? It is a tragic setback that Measure 92 did not pass. You should have the right to know what you are feeding your family!
April Scott Global News Centre
(SALEM) Last week, an important development was made public, by the unlikeliest of sources, regarding Consumer Safety of Glyphosate (RoundUp) that is used to control weeds on Genetically Modified Crops. This vital and incredibly relevant information is being kept from the public, regarding the toxic effects of Glyphosate on consumers.
Former GMO supporter and government scientist for the Canadian Government, Dr. Thierry Vrain was the designated spokesperson, whose job it was to assure the Canadian public of the safety of GMO crops. He, like so many in their scientific community, have radically changed their positions regarding consumer safety of GMOs and Glyphosates.
A Legacy of Destruction: Monsanto’s dark history exposed in stunning new photo essay

Mathieu Asselin has been photographing towns impacted by Monsanto and needs about $6,000 to complete his project; click here to support his project.
In an effort to document Monsanto’s toxic legacy, photographer Mathieu Asselin spent three years traveling across the United States capturing images of the people whose lives been most deeply affected, and in some cases destroyed, by the monstrous chemical company that happens to control much of our food supply (and key positions in our government, not so coincidentally).
Nick Meyer Alt Health Works
The Monsanto Company has been active for over 100 years in the United States, and yet the St. Louis based genetically modified seed and chemical giant’s long legacy of nefarious actions has only recently come into public view.
The mainstream in America is just now waking up to the destruction caused to humans, animals and the environment by Monsanto after all these years, but for the people living in communities that have been damaged and even destroyed by the corporation’s unscrupulous practices, the harsh truth has been ever-present (see this ‘Timeline of Crime’ for more on the dark history of Monsanto from the Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance’s page).
Is Monsanto admitting guilt in Zombie Wheat’ settlement?
If the reports are true, this will be the second major Monsanto settlement this year. In July, the company was ordered to pay residents of Nitro, W.Va., $93 million for exposing them to dioxin from a nearby plant where it has produced the poison for more than a half century.
Global News Centre
(KANSAS CITY) News emerged this week about a possible settlement between Monsanto and the farmers whose wheat was allegedly contaminated by unauthorized genetically modified seeds produced by the biotech firm. Lawyers for a contingent of soft white wheat farmers in Kansas told a Kansas City federal judge that an agreement had been reached in a class-action lawsuit between Monsanto and a group of wheat farmers in Oregon, where “zombie” GMO wheat contaminated fields last year, throwing off wheat exports in the process.
End of the line: GMO production in China halted
“We believe that loopholes in assessing and monitoring [GMO] research, as well as the public concern around safety issues are the most important reasons that the certifications have not been renewed,” Wang Jing, a Greenpeace official in Beijing
In a surprise U-turn, China’s Ministry of Agriculture has decided not to continue with a program which developed genetically-modified rice and corn. Some environmentalists say public concerns about GM crops played a key role in the decision.
On August 17, when these permits were up for renewal, the Ministry of Agriculture decided not to extend them. In 2009, the ministry’s Biosafety Committee issued approval certificates to develop the two crops, rice and corn.
Launch of “Operation Light at the End of the Tunnel”
Mike Cerre, a former ABC News Correspondent and Vietnam Veteran, will interview Chuck Searcy, a former Army Intelligence analyst during the war, who now works with Veterans for Peace and an International Advisor for Project RENEW, is working with Vietnamese teams to clean up the dangerous UXO and Agent Orange legacies left from the war.
Global News Centre
(SAN FRANCISCO) Chuck Searcy, a former Army Intelligence analyst who served in Viet Nam 1967-68, has spent nearly twenty years living in Vietnam and working with Vietnamese teams to clean up the dangerous UXO and Agent Orange legacies we left behind.
American people have a voice
The main item that needs to be addressed by Congress when back in session is House Bill HR-543 - The Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Agent Orange Act.
John J. Bury Global News Centre
(MEDIA, Pa.) Congress is now on recess as of August 4th, returning to their seats in DC on September 8thwhile on recess, they are campaigning for the November election. In their campaign speeches they make promises they probably can not keep. They visit VA medical centers, nursing homes for the aged, union halls, hold round table sessions, meet with constituents. In my opinion, items of this nature should always be on their agenda, not just 3 months prior to the elections looking for votes.
Vietnamese French woman files dioxin lawsuit against 35 US companies
A French woman of Vietnamese origin, Tran To Nga, has stood as the sole plaintiff in the Agent Orange/Dioxin lawsuit against 35 chemical companies based in the U.S. for producing the toxic substances sprayed in Vietnam in the 1960s and 1970s.
Tuoi Tre News
(HANOI) Her 31-page complaint was sent to the Superior Court (tribunal de grande instance) based in Evry in the southern suburb of Paris, France. In May, the court sent notifications to the 35 defendants in the U.S. about the case.