Tag Archives: Israel
Hezbollah Has One Thing in Common With ISIS

It is important to note how the decisions of Israel’s policy makers to go to war in Lebanon in 1982, literally created what is now, decades of resentment among Shiite people toward the Zionist state.
Tim King
Hezbollah’s origin is directly related to the defense of Palestinian people who were forced out of their own country during the creation of Israel in 1947/48. The group came into existence to protect the Palestinian refugees of Lebanon after the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) agreed to pull out of the area in the early 1980’s. With Palestinian civilian refugees facing immense threat and pressure from both Israel’s military and the Lebanese Christian militias, Hezbollah was born under the fires of oppression and occupation. The group came to existence in a vacuum created by the exit of the PLO, and they are a highly accomplished military, political and humanitarian party in Lebanon with full participation in government policy.
Iran political fulmination versus diplomatic deal
Fulmination, as in “to issue a thunderous verbal attack or denunciation”.
Dr. James Wall Global News Centre
(CHICAGO) Blessings upon New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof for pointing out that “fulmination” is the right word to describe opposition to the diplomatic deal President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have just reached with Iran and the P5+1 major world powers.
Hijacking history in Jews’ unholy books
“Using their distorted books; the Khazarian Mafia contrived to cheat their way into American history just as the Hebrew clergy did the Egyptian history long before”
Dr. Ashraf Ezzat Global News Centre
(ALEXANDRIA) But if you haven’t got what it takes to make you one day enjoy bathing in the spotlights on your own, then this is when you should consider cheating your way to fame and recognition.
What if I told you that you could actually cheat your way to fame and power and get away with it? As a matter of fact, if you know the name of the game and play your cards right, you’ll have no trouble deceiving a lot of people.
Neonconservatives—who promoted war with Iraq—are now promoting war with Iran

There has been much panic about Iran which seems in retrospect to have been mostly emotional hyperbole.
Allan Brownfeld Global News Centre
(WASHINGTON DC) The same neo-conservatives who successfully pushed the nation to war with Iraq, a country which never attacked us and which never possessed the “weapons of mass destruction” which the Bush administration promoted as a basis for war, are now back promoting war with Iran, a country more than three times the size of Iraq. The war in Iraq did not go well, defying the neoconservatives’ prediction that U.S. troops would be welcomed with open arms. This war had a series of unintended consequences, as wars always do. One is the rise of ISIS.
Who’s A Presstitute?

Paul Craig Roberts
Rainy Night in Georgia…
William Annett Global News Centre
(DAYTONA BEACH) My neighbor Warren is pretty smart, being a physician and all, but he’s not very big on defending the freedoms we all hold dear. I mean, just the other day over the back fence, he was talking like a fellow-traveler, as we used to say back in Joe McCarthy’s hey-day.
“We’re always hearing about threats from the rest of the world,” Warren said, fingering his stethoscope, which he always wears, even when he’s pulling weeds. “I think the greatest threats are right here at home.”
“Whatever do you mean?” I responded.
Human Rights: France, Norway, Germany, more
MK Haneen Zoabi photo: .jpost.com
Israeli Foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman called for beheading of Arabs who oppose the Apartheid State. Right afterwords, social media transferred a picture showing a mock beheading of outspoken critic of the apartheid regime: MK Haneen Zoabi.
Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh Global News Centre
(BETHLEHEM) Note: I will be in France 9-16 April, Oslo 16-18 Apri, l and in Germany 15-24 June 2015 as I was invited to give talks. Please let me know if you would like to invite me to give talks (on popular resistance, on environmental impact of the occupation, on peace building efforts, on our museum of natural history and institute of biodiversity and sustainability). For those in France, you can also get my book on Popular Resistance published in French now and/or sell it at my appearances to benefit your organization. My book “Sharing the land of Canaan” will be out soon in German. For background on me, see http://qumsiyeh.org/ and about our museum of Natural History and Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability, see http://palestinenature.org.
HumanRights: Bilbaal and more

Jerusalem is being ethnically cleansed of its people and transformed into a city run by and for racists instead of being a city of peace. The Palestinian self-appointed leaders are in a self-preservation mode.
Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh Global News Centre
(BETHLEHEM) Google puts interesting tidbits on their logo every day worth reading. Today for example they remind us of the birthday of Italian Physics pioneer Alessandro Volta (February 18, 1745 – March 5, 1827) who invented the battery and after whom we say volt and voltage for electricity. We continue to live in societies in which idiotic fundamentalist people professing religion can do ethnic cleansing and massacres using modern tools of scientific inventions for evil acts.
We continue to lose great people.
Good morning America, Bibi is coming to town
Benjamin Netanyahu
Even strong pro-Israel outlets like Fox News, and Liberal Zionist media outlets like MSNBC, are urging Netanyahu to cancel his March 3 moment in the world media spotlight.
Dr. James Wall Global News Centre
(CHICAGO) Good Morning America: Do you know who has stolen your Congress? In two weeks you could hear from one of the culprits.
On March 3, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to speak to what was once your United States Congress.
Prime Minister Netanyahu will speak to the Congress and tell the members that President Obama is wrong. Netanyahu promises to say the President is wrong to think it is possible to negotiate Iran back from the brink of adding further to the world’s nuclear arsenal.
Anthony Lawson, one of the world’s finest narrators, RIP
Lawson delivered the goods when it came to suffering people, he was a force in the world, we will miss him greatly.
Tim King Global News Centre
(SALEM) It is always hard to learn that a friend has passed, Anthony Lawson, who spent his life working in television and advertising in Australia and the UK, was a steadfast advocate for human rights. His open criticism of Israeli apartheid and his illustration of the suffering of the Palestinian people, was unmatched. He was a perfectionist, that is clear in everything he ever published.
Anthony turned over stones in his pursuit of knowledge that others passed without a thought.
Pressure grows to delay or drop Bibi’s speech
The damage has to be cleaned up by Netanyahu, if he wants to save his plan to address the U.S. Congress two weeks before he faces reelection in Israel March 17.
Dr. James Wall Global News Centre
(CHICAGO) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been “reaching out”, as the New York Times delicately puts it, to Democratic leaders in the U.S. Congress who were blindsided by Republican House Speaker John Boehner’s invitation to Netanyahu to address Congress March 3.
Netanyahu’s office confirmed Thursday, according to the Times, that the Prime Minister had called Democrats and “other friends” in Congress in recent days, and that he “reiterated that the survival of Israel is not a partisan issue.”