Tag Archives: Culture
I have never punished my child Parenting for a Nonviolent World

“Listening” provided by Anahata Giri
Punishment undermines the very basis of parenting: maintaining a safe, clear, loving relationship between parent and child.
Anahata Giri for Global News Centre
(MELBOURNE) I have never punished my child. This is not because I have some kind of freaky perfect child. My 8 year old son is a normal child who engages with the world with a natural childlike intensity. This means he sometimes challenges boundaries by doing what he wants and upsetting others. At times I am very upset by his actions and I have been stretched beyond my own boundaries many times. This can be really tough.
The Trip

Ford Model A - bringatrailer.com
Memories of an amazing childhood journey in 1938.
William Annett Global News Centre
(DAYTONA BEACH) My father was born in Baptist Ontario, raised in Hell’s Kitchen near 34th Street in Manhattan, was in the trenches in France while still a boy and, invalided back to England, flew a rickety biplane in the Royal Flying Corps by the time he was 20. He was to see the banks and braes of bonny Scotland and, de-mobbed in Toronto, he experienced the snows of the American West and the topless towers of Wall Street. By the onset of the Depression he had by some strange default become school principal in a tiny Alberta town in the middle of the Dust Bowl that endured for that most desolate decade, during which the entire western world seemed to hunker down in silent desperation.
Comedy Central’s Emmy Award nominee Keegan-Michael Key wearing men’s couture by Designer Mark Roscoe
Comedy Central’s Keegan-Michael Key of ‘Key & Peele’ to walk the red carpet at 67th Prime Time Emmy Award Show in Mark Roscoe Design.
(LOS ANGELES) Prime Time Emmy Award Nominee Keegan Michael Key, best known for his work on Comedy Central’s ‘Key and Peele Show’ and his six seasons on MadTV, will be sporting couture men’s fashion by Chicago Designer Mark Roscoe at the Technical Emmy’s as well as the Prime Time Emmy Award shows to be aired September 19 on FXX at 8 pm EST, and September 20, 2015 on Fox respectively.
LBGT civil rights: there’s still work to be done

Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) introduces introduction of the Equality Act of 2015 with Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin, right, and Rep. David Cicilline. (D-R.I.), (Kevin Wolf/AP Photo)
In 1993, Bill Clinton signed into law the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) that “ensures that interests in religious freedom are protected.”
Ralph E. Stone Global News Centre
(SAN FRANCISCO) In Obergefell v. Hodges, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the Fourteenth Amendment requires a state to license a marriage between two people of the same sex and to recognize a marriage between two people of the same sex when their marriage was lawfully licensed and performed out-of-state. Thus, the same-sex marriage issue has been won.
The Mal Ejemplos (Bad Examples)
Ever wonder about biker club culture in Mexico? Meet the man who founded The Mal Ejemplos MC.
Vic Pittman for Global News Centre
(SILVERTON) This is a story of my journey into the world of the Mal Ejemplos, (pronounced Molly Hemp-los) the Bad Examples, one of the fastest growing motorcycle clubs in central Mexico. Some would think that this is a reckless, possibly even dangerous thing for me to do. Most people’s perceptions of motorcycle "gangs" are formed by movies and shows like Sons of Anarchy, where violence, drugs and wars with rival clubs is the norm. The recent bloodshed between two rival clubs in Waco, Texas only reinforces this perception. Many people would assume that a Mexican motorcycle club would be even more dangerous and lawless than their American counterparts, with fewer restraints and more incentive for criminal activity.
Iranyi publishes book of pre-earthquake Arg-E-Bam photos

The ancient city of Bam, Iran, captured and published in a new book by Judi Iranyi.
Photo by Judi Iranyi.
Bam declined in importance following an Afghan invasion in 1722 in 1722 and another invasion in 1810. The city was used as a barracks for the army until 1932 and then completely abandoned.
Ralph E. Stone Global News Centre
(SAN FRANCISCO) Judi Iranyi recently published a book of her photographs of Arg-e-Bam (Bam) during her November 2002 trip to Iran.
The ruined city of Bam is located in southeastern Iran. It is made entirely of mud bricks, clay, straw, and the trunks of palm trees. The city was originally founded during the Sassanian period (224-637) and while some of the surviving structures date from before the 12th century, most of what remains today dates to the Safavid period (1502-1722). During Safavid times, the city occupied six square kilometers, was surrounded by a rampart with 38 towers, and had between 9000 and 13,000 inhabitants.
The Goliath Fallacy… jousting with the overdogs
Richard III was King of England, and there he had the advantage over me. But he was a hunchback, and there I have the advantage over him.
- Mark Twain
William Annett Global News Centre
(DAYTONA BEACH) In his best-seller, “David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants,” Malcolm Gladwell covers the subject - and the frequent success - of ordinary people who tilt at extraordinary opponents or forces. In other words, instances where a disadvantage become an advantage. Gladwell’s point is that it happens quite frequently and we don’t realize it. You want to argue? Gladwell’s day job is as a staff writer for the New Yorker, which gives him a distinct advantage right there.
Deciding between good and best

Americans hoard too much stuff. Everywhere I go in small or large towns I see storage facilities being built. Americans have “stuff” and we need more storage space. We spend most of our lives wanting stuff and then we have to worry about keeping or maintaining what we have accumulated.
Dr. Glenn Mollette Global News Centre
(NEWBURGH, Indiana) My wife and I cleaned out a bedroom closet recently. I looked through my clothes and saw too much I had not worn in the last year. I bagged it and carried it off to the local charity pickup truck. I realize they will sell it but they will sell it for cheap and somebody else will hopefully use it. I suspect together we hauled off seven or eight bags of clothes. I really don’t buy that much but I had a lot of clothes that I had accumulated and I thought just maybe someday I might put some of them to use. Some stuff was just old and outdated and as I hate to confess, some of it wouldn’t fit anymore.
Human Rights: Invitations and Actions

Life in Occupied Palestine
See the panels at the National Press Club conference on the Israel lobby in Washington, DC
Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh Global News Centre
(BETHLEHEM) I am back in Palestine and already busy with visiting delegations and other activities. Thank you to our hosts in Europe for hospitality. We will soon follow-up on collaborations between Bethlehem University (our museum) and European institutions.
Invitations: 1) Lecture at the Palestine Museum of Natural History, Mar Andrea Campus of Bethlehem University Thursday April 23rd, 4 PM. Karl Sabbagh: Why the World Needs a Museum of the History of Palestine. 2) If interested in a hike in Al-Makhrour area of Beit Jala to Battir with the Rotary club members on Friday April 24th, 9 AM - 3 PM, do let us know (lunch choices available after but need reservations).
The active defense of the cultural heritage of humanity

Professor Nicholas Roerich
There are periods in the history of humanity when some great new ideas are introduced, beneficial for all. Such ideas mark the beginning of a new era with far-reaching effects, creating new conditions for cooperation. The Roerich Pact for the protection of the cultural heritage of humanity signed by 21 States in a Pan-American Union ceremony is such a sign of a new era which transcends all obstacles, prejudices and intolerances.
Article by René Wadlow for Global News Centre
(WASHINGTON DC) 15 April is the anniversary of the signing of the Roerich Peace Pact at the White House in Washington D.C. in 1935. Henry A. Wallace, then the US Secretary of Agriculture and later Vice-President signed for the USA saying “At no time has such an ideal been more needed. It is high time for the idealists who make the reality of tomorrow, to rally around such a symbol of international cultural unity. It is time that we appeal to that appreciation of beauty, science, education which runs across all national boundaries to strengthen all that we hold dear in our particular governments and customs. Its acceptance signifies the approach of a time when those who truly love their own nation will appreciate in addition the unique contribution of other nations and also do reverence to that common spiritual enterprise which draws together in one fellowship all artists, scientists, educators and truly religious of whatever faith.”
Television cause a sedentary lifestyle with obese children
According to the Aladino study, in Spain, 19.1% of children aged between six and nine years are obese and 26.1% are overweight.
Clemente Ferrer Global News Centre
(MADRID) Today’s children will live fewer years and with worse quality of life than their grandparents, because of the problems caused by obesity and passivity, as warned the president of the organizing committee of the Congress of the Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition in Spain.In the last ten years, childhood obesity has doubled reaching 13.9%in this country. Moreover, 30% of obese children will remain so well into adulthood.