Tag Archives: Bush
US allowed Taliban to flourish
For decades, American political leaders back the wrong political groups and ignore suffering of minorities.
Tim King Global News Centre
(SALEM) In 1999, I circulated a petition urging people to boycott Unocal for funding the Taliban, or Taleban, in an Afghanistan pipeline project. At the time, I was a staff Photojournalist/Reporter for KVVU FOX 5 in Las Vegas. Many of us were keenly aware then, before 9/11 (Not that Taliban had even the slightest role in that event), that the Taliban were a scourge in Afghanistan, subjecting women to torment that was highly objectionable. All women were forced to wear the burqa and they lived in great fear.
Letter to Jeb Bush: torture is never justifiable
Remember what went on at Abu Ghraib, at the Guantánamo Bay detention camp and our extraordinary rendition program (secret abductions and transfers of prisoners to other countries where torture was used)?

Republican candidate for president, Jeb Bush. Photo via Wikipedia
by Michael Vadon.
d animals for sport.
Ralph E. Stone Global News Centre
(SAN FRANCISCO) Mr. Bush — or Jeb if you don’t mind — I was greatly disturbed to hear that if you became president you won’t rule out the resumption of the use of torture arguing that brutal questioning methods might be justifiable and necessary in some circumstances. Jeb, torture is never justifiable.
President Obama banned CIA torture by executive order in January 2009. I urge you to reconsider your statement concerning torture and agree to leave President Obama’s executive order in place. I don’t want a president who would use torture.
The latest on closing Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp
Opponents of normalization argue that Cuba has a repressive regime with a poor human rights record.
Ralph E. Stone Global News Centre
(SAN FRANCISCO) On July 20, 2015, the U.S. and Cuba reopened embassies in each other’s countries that had been closed since 1961. As the freeze between the two countries thaws, I would expect the the commercial, economic, and financial embargo imposed by the U.S. on Cuba since 1960 will be ended in due time. However, normalization of relations between the U.S. and Cuba will not be complete until the Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp is closed and Guantánamo is returned to Cuba.
Operation Jade Helm 15: Prelude to martial law and false flag attack? the unedited version

Marine veteran investigative journalist and author trashed for accurate reporting and disagreeing with the Veterans Today editorial staff on Jade Helm.
Tim King and Robert O’Dowd Global News Centre
(SALEM) An unconventional warfare exercise in several states in the Southwest and Southeast off of military reservations with Special Operations troops this summer could be used to set up a scenario for martial law if the exercise goes live from a false flag attack like 911.
What does Veterans Today have in common with the pro-administration Washington Post? Both publications are trying to conceal the potential ramifications of an Obama Administration move called “Operation Jade Helm 15,” which every American should be leery about - at minimum. The job of media, alternative media in this case, is to put the information out. Jade Helm 15 is as real as it gets and it is totally unprecedented. Jade Helm is U.S. Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) unconventional warfare exercise to be conducted outside of military reservations in at least 11 states.
Terrorism: ultimate weapon of the global elite
Fear is the opposite of love. If you want someone to do what you want, you are frightened, not loving. The poets and songwriters have long told us that love is ‘letting go’. The person in your cage is not a loved companion; the individual who is genuinely free but chooses to stay feels loved.
Robert J. Burrowes Global News Centre
(TASMANIA) The usual definition of a ‘terrorist’ is simple: a person who uses violence in the pursuit of a political objective.
By this definition, the two major categories of terrorist are those political leaders who perpetrate state terror by attacking other countries (ranging from launching a war, perhaps following a false flag operation, to conducting a drone strike) – see the classic book ‘The Real Terror Network: Terrorism in Fact and Propaganda’ http://www.amazon.com/The-Real-Terror-Network-Propaganda/dp/0896081346 – and those political leaders who use military violence in defense of a political objective. For insight into the damaged psychology of violent political leaders, see ‘Understanding Obama and other People Who Kill’ http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL1305/S00051/understanding-obama-and-other-people-who-kill.htm For much greater detail, see ‘Why Violence?’ http://tinyurl.com/whyviolence
Anthony Lawson, one of the world’s finest narrators, RIP
Lawson delivered the goods when it came to suffering people, he was a force in the world, we will miss him greatly.
Tim King Global News Centre
(SALEM) It is always hard to learn that a friend has passed, Anthony Lawson, who spent his life working in television and advertising in Australia and the UK, was a steadfast advocate for human rights. His open criticism of Israeli apartheid and his illustration of the suffering of the Palestinian people, was unmatched. He was a perfectionist, that is clear in everything he ever published.
Anthony turned over stones in his pursuit of knowledge that others passed without a thought.
Transfer Shaker Aamer from Guantanamo

Shaker Aamer was arrested by Afghan forces in late 2001 in Jalalabad, Afghanistan and subsequently transferred to US custody. He is originally from Saudi Arabia, and his wife and four children are all British nationals and currently live in London.
William Nicholas Gomes Global News Centre Human Rights Ambassador
(YORK) Shaker Aamer has been held without charge by the U.S. government at Guantánamo for over 12 years. He remains in custody even though he has been cleared for transfer and the British government has called for his release. In the following article, William Nicholas Gomes, Human Rights Ambassador for Global News Centre, asks US President Barack Obama to set Shaker Aamer free.
I dream of a world, with no colour red
Nahida Izzat brings us a stirring visual presentation of why she dreams of a world without the stain of red….
Nahida Izzat Global News Centre
(LONDON) I would love to wake up one morning
Not thinking of children sobbing or dying
When I lay my head down at night
Not to see babies maimed or crying
Where to now: Iraq today?

Photo from al Dujail, Iraq in 2008, taken shortly after a car bomb exploded, killing dozens of people in a grocery story. Photo by Tim King Global News Centre
Prosecutions may indeed be a long time coming, prosecutions will however take place for such is the slow course of due justice. You can’t see it coming but be sure it is.
Clive Hambidge and Soraya Boyd Global News Centre
(LONDON) “I thought Nick Clegg’s reaction was very disappointing. His reaction should not be of ‘openness’ to a judicial enquiry. He should be actively pushing for a judicial enquiry. The Government came to power four years ago. He’s had ample opportunity to uncover, as Deputy Prime Minister, what was going on. We’ve now pushed it off to a rather pitiful parliamentary committee with no … teeth and again it just goes into the long grass.” (Philippe Sands)
Sobering truths about America’s imperialist crimes against humanity
“We have brought torture, cluster bombs, depleted uranium, innumerable acts of random murder, misery, degradation and death to the Iraqi people and call it ‘bringing freedom and democracy to the Middle East’. – Harold Pinter
Gary G. Kohls, MD for Global News Centre
(DULUTH) British playwright Harold Pinter won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2005. His powerful acceptance speech exposed the United States for its fascist, imperialist policies since World War II. His speech (delivered three years before he died in 2008) was an important glimpse into – and a reasonable summary of — the innumerable documentable US imperialistic crimes that have been secretly facilitated by our multinational corporations, our national security apparatus, our military leaders, our wealthy elites and the craven politicians who are beholden to those four realities that have shaped American foreign policy over the past 60 years.
Normalization of US-Cuba relations begins
The current Cuban government considers the U.S. presence in Guantánamo to be illegal and the Cuban-American Treaty to have been procured by the threat of force in violation of international law.
Ralph E. Stone Global News Centre
(SAN FRANCISCO) President Obama’s move to normalize relations with Cuba deserves applause. Normalization, however, will not be complete until the U.S. ends its economic embargo and returns Guantánamo Bay to Cuba.
Normalization, as announced by President Obama includes, among other things, establishing diplomatic relations with Cuba, expansion of travel to Cuba, raising remittance levels from $500 to $2,000, expanding commercial exports/sales from the U.S. to Cuba, allow U.S. citizens to import additional goods from Cuba, U.S. credit and debit cards will be permitted to be used by travelers to Cuba, initiating efforts to increase Cubans’ access to communications, and U.S. review of Cuba’s designation as a State Sponsor of Terrorism.