Category Archives: Palestine
Hezbollah Has One Thing in Common With ISIS

It is important to note how the decisions of Israel’s policy makers to go to war in Lebanon in 1982, literally created what is now, decades of resentment among Shiite people toward the Zionist state.
Tim King
Hezbollah’s origin is directly related to the defense of Palestinian people who were forced out of their own country during the creation of Israel in 1947/48. The group came into existence to protect the Palestinian refugees of Lebanon after the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) agreed to pull out of the area in the early 1980’s. With Palestinian civilian refugees facing immense threat and pressure from both Israel’s military and the Lebanese Christian militias, Hezbollah was born under the fires of oppression and occupation. The group came to existence in a vacuum created by the exit of the PLO, and they are a highly accomplished military, political and humanitarian party in Lebanon with full participation in government policy.
“Messenger of God” —Ace Knight (האגרון)
Two-State Solution Delusion

Netanyahu’s One Finger Answer To The Two-State Solution
Total U.S. aid to Israel is approximately one-third of the American foreign-aid budget, even though Israel comprises just .001% of the world’s population and already has one of the world’s higher per capita incomes.
Ralph E Stone
(SAN FRANCISCO) A fantasy persists of a Israeli-Palestine peace agreement leading to an independent Palestine state in the land Israel has occupied since the 1967 Mideast War. It must be clear by now to anyone paying attention that Israel has no intention of engaging in meaningful peace negotiations that would result in an independent Palestinian state. Rather, Israel is slowly squeezing the Palestinians where the ultimate goal is to take over the entire country by erecting a wall or fence, which cuts deep into Palestinian territory, joining large Jewish settlement blocks to Israel, further confining the Palestinians to isolated enclaves.
John the Baptist has been misrepresented by scholars of both Christianity and Islam.” —Ace Knight
The Black Prophet: He Lives/Editor’s Desk
The Editor Global News Centre
“John the Baptist has been misrepresented by scholars of both Christianity and Islam.”
—Ace Knight
Tim King discusses John the Baptist with Ace Knight

John the Baptist by Artist Toni L. Taylor
Tim King Global News Centre
Ace Knight: “John the Baptist has been misrepresented by scholars of both Christianity and Islam”
Amazing New Painting of John the Baptist By Artist Toni L. Taylor

Tim King Global News Centre/Executive Editor
John the Baptist is traditionally depicted in the animal skins and sackcloth of a wild man in the desert, but this artist’s depiction of the prophet is quite different from most traditional pictures of John.
Here he wears the clothes and displays the symbols of his class before a background of a vast universe of shining stars, artfully depicted by the artist Toni L. Taylor, giving John a spiritual importance denied him by many centuries of scholarly neglect. It is fitting that his countenance be that of Ace Knight, one of the leaders–if not the foremost leader–of the movement to restore John to his true importance in religious history.
Committee room 9: “Scotland and Palestine: Building Friendship and Solidarity”

Seminar at Houses of Parliament: “Scotland and Palestine” Building Friendship and Solidarity
Islam was, is, and remains a peaceful expression of the love and mercy of Allah. Societal, political expression for Muslims, a “political force”, is their right and must be defended.
Clive Hambidge Global News Centre
(LONDON) Organised by the Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) and the Council of European Palestinian Relations (CEPR) this vital seminar, which was held on the 17 November 2015, took on a more poignant atmosphere. Especially in light of the acts of violence perpetrated just days earlier where ‘seven coordinated attacks’ apparently from three hybrid ISIL groups brought France to the heart-stilling- reality of a collective human tragedy. Equally, the 12 November attack in Beirut Lebanon where 39 were killed in Bourj el Barajneh by two suicide bombers were the topics of concerned discussion outside Committee Room 9.
Ken OKeefe Press TV Commentary - Paris False Flag - Nov 14, 2015
Ken O’Keefe Global News Special
Submitted by Ace Knight
Ken O’Keefe discusses “who is ISIS” and the absurdity of what the mainstream media is telling us in this latest false flag manipulation brought to you by the powers that be.
Quran. 61:6—The Praised One—אגרון section 3
John the Baptist by Artist Toni L. Taylor
Global News Centre Special Report
According to section 3 in the work entitled אגרון Sayyidina Yahya or the Black Chief reclaims his position of rank amongst the prophets in the Quran.
He was, is, and always will be the spiritual head of the prophets. His name means life …what’s bigger than life? Leonardo Da’Vinci’s last and favorite painting was that of John the Baptist, and that’s not because he was eating insects and honey in the woods my friends. -Ace Knight founder of I Love Black Art
-Shaykh Muhammad Nur Abdus Salam