Category Archives: Ken O’Keefe
Ken OKeefe Press TV Commentary - Paris False Flag - Nov 14, 2015
Ken O’Keefe Global News Special
Submitted by Ace Knight
Ken O’Keefe discusses “who is ISIS” and the absurdity of what the mainstream media is telling us in this latest false flag manipulation brought to you by the powers that be.
Gaza Strong: Dedicated to the youth of Gaza/TJP
Agron “Ace” Belica Global News Centre
This film was inspired by the facebook group “Celebrities for Palestine.” These well-known performers in the world of entertainment are to be congratulated for their courage in supporting this cause. At the same time, there are many others, not so famous to the general public, working to right the wrongs inflicted upon the people of Palestine, such as Ken O’Keefe, Gilad Azmon, Dr. Jay R. Crook, Tim King, Anna O’Leary, Harry Fear, Dr. Ashraf Ezzat, Dr. Ismail Salami,, Joe Clifford, Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh, Lisa Spaulding, Wen Clay, Nahida Izzat, the martyred Vittorio Arrigoni and Rachel Corrie, et al.
Gaza Strong!!!: International Youth Project 4 Gaza & Celebrities for Palestine 2015
I think a hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people —Maya Angelou
Angelou’s passion for equality, tolerance and peace naturally placed her on the same path as the Palestinian people’s quest for freedom. In the video below, recorded in 2006, she reads out an email from American peace activist Rachel Corrie in which Corrie shares her thoughts on the struggle for justice. Maya Aneglou Reads Rachel Corrie’s Email
Ken O’Keefe on Press TV’s ‘The Debate
The insanity of the American empire is discussed as recently declassified documents establish that the traitorous US government provided hydrogen bomb technology to Israel. We discuss the USS Liberty and how it is possible America would arm the so-called Jewish State of Israel with the most dangerouys weapoins known to man, when in fact Israel routinely manipulates American sons and daughters into wars for Israeli expansion and even murders Americans outright.
Gilad Atzmon on George Galloway’s Sputnik RT
George Galloway
Gilad Atzmon gives Israel the blues…
Intro by Ken O’Keefe Global News Centre
(LONDON) Getting beyond George Galloway’s insulting positions regarding 911, the ©Holocaust and various other sundries, Gilad is brilliant. A dear friend and brother, and I can assure you he is not on the same page as Galloway on the above issues and more.
911 False Flag - American Traitors & Mossad - Where are the Oath Keepers? - Ken O’Keefe MUST WATCH!!!
This is the updated version (as of December 2014) of my 911 production originally broadcast on The Peoples Voice in January 2014. It has additional footage and commentary, improved graphics and is a direct response to David Cameron’s rediculous speech at the UN General Assembly in 2014.
Gaza Parkour: Welcome 2 My Gallery By Jamal Belica
A collaboration between young people and activists in the United States and young people in Gaza. Amazing.
Ken O’Keefe on RT - Palestine & the so-called ‘two-state solution’
Afshin Rattansi goes underground on the UK’s non-binding vote in Parliament to recognise a Palestinian State. Ken O’Keefe, former US Marine, political analyst and activist, says the two-state solution for Palestine would be like dividing South Africa into a black country and a white country to end apartheid.