Category Archives: Gospels
Seal of Da Vinci Found On The Shroud Of Turin
John the Baptist has been misrepresented by scholars of both Christianity and Islam.” —Ace Knight
The Black Prophet: He Lives/Editor’s Desk
The Editor Global News Centre
“John the Baptist has been misrepresented by scholars of both Christianity and Islam.”
—Ace Knight
Tim King discusses John the Baptist with Ace Knight

John the Baptist by Artist Toni L. Taylor
Tim King Global News Centre
Ace Knight: “John the Baptist has been misrepresented by scholars of both Christianity and Islam”
Global News Centre
Submitted by Robert Bangor
April in Paris! What a perfect time to visit the world’s most beautiful city! Mitchell and Margaret Ritchie had decided to take a well-earned holiday from their responsibilities in New York. Their eldest son was following in his father’s footsteps and had become an officer in the marines; their younger son was in a business school being groomed to take over Mitchell’s business when he retired. Margaret was now active in social services, especially those concerning fallen women and unwed mothers. It was a Saturday, and they were moving slowly through the collection of art and artifacts in one of the world’s greatest museums: the Louvre.
The Passion of the Baptist, Not the Christ By Agron Belica

A well written and well thought out alternative to what was at best a problematic and most likely fictitious account of the personalities involved in the crucifixion. Belica’s evidence to support his supposition is very strong, much stronger than can be found in the new testament.
—Professor P. Dreier, Encore Music Academy
Another Islamic study: John the Baptist, not Jesus, was Crucified
I agree. I admit I was not trained in one of their fine educational establishments, nor do I possess one of their impressive degrees, but sometimes that can be an advantage in seeking fresh interpretations of the past. Cheers! —Agron”Ace” Belica
Global News Centre
If anyone was upset at Reza Aslan’s book Zealot, a fairly tame view of Jesus by standards of orthodox biblical studies, they will self-destruct when they hear about another Muslim’s take on Jesus. . . .