Monthly Archives: June 2015
A home denied
“The Zionists wanted Palestine, all of Palestine, preferably with no Palestinians in it.” - Jewish historian, Ilan Pappé, from his book, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
Jafar M Ramini Global News Centre
(LONDON) They came uninvited. The Zionist zealots arrived on our shores with the Bible in one hand and a machine gun in the other. They declared, “this is our land, promised to us by our God and you, the Palestinians, have no place in it.”
Done It All Hit’s the Wall At Encore Music Academy
Agron Belica Global News Centre
Congratulations to Jamal and Ariana on the release of their single Done It All. Encore was happy and fortunate to be part of its creation and we look forward to many more collaborations from these two talented youngsters!
— Encore Music Academy & Recording Studios
The First Lady Of Arabic Hip Hop Feat. M1 (Dead Prez): Intro By Ahmed Zaqout
Dominga Luna Global News Centre
Submitted By Jamal Belica
The First Lady Of Arabic Hip Hop Feat. M1 (Dead Prez): Intro Ahmed Zaqout
Video Remix by Jamal Belica/ A.E.M.G.
Featuring Ahmed Zaqout/Gaza City
Project Organized and Directed by Luna Dominga/IYP4G
Hijacked Media Film/Ace Knight 2015
Omar Offendum “Crying Shame” | The World
Agron Belica Global News Centre/Source PRI
For hip-hop artist Omar Offendum, apathy toward Syria is not an option
Offendum’s debut album, “SyrianamericanA,” was released before the Arab Spring. “It’s hard living in the West when you know the East has got the best of me,” he raps on a track titled “Destiny.”
“It’s about my destiny, but also the destiny of immigrants in general who kind of find themselves with new surroundings and environments,” he says. “Especially this kind of second generation of immigrants. I came over at a very young age. While I do identify as Syrian and as Arab and as Muslim and all these things — I also very much identify as an American.”
Welcome to R.T.S. Paranormal Investigations
Global News Centre
R.T.S. Paranormal™® is a small, non-profit group based in Massachusetts that takes ghost hunting seriously and approaches the subject of the paranormal professionally and objectively. We strive to help individuals understand the paranormal world and help clients find answers to their questions.
Our growing R.T.S. team investigates claims of paranormal activity throughout New England and the Mid-Atlantic states. We keep all information private and will respect all rules and privacy. All investigations are free.
If you would like to contact R.T.S., you can reach us at [email protected].
Our Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
All investigations are Free!
In memory of Steven Tocci who is the real founder of R.T.S. Paranormal Investigations™®.
Gaza: Invincible Feat. Bader El Zaharna & Krap Gaza Free Running
Project Organized And Directed By Luna Dominga
Feat. Badir El Zaharna & Krap Gaza Free Running
Music Production By Profetesa
Video Production By Jamal Belica
Hijacked Media Film/Ace Knight 2015
Black Israelis Are Standing Up To Police Brutality
Global News Centre
Ethiopian Jews in Israel have been taking to the streets for months now to protest police brutality.
Hello from the Newest Intern!
Global News Centre/Submitted by Agron Belica
Hi, everyone!
I’m Charlotte, the newest intern at CambridgeEditors. I’m more than thrilled to have the chance to work with people who are just as interested in writing and editing as I am!
PriceRite Oil Ranked #1 Home Oil Service
Comment on the Charleston massacre

On June 18, mourners gathered at a memorial service for those slain at Emanuel AME church (
Roof’s shootings at a church was a symbolic attack on the heart and soul of the Black community.
Ralph E. Stone Global News Centre
(SAN FRANCISCO) Everyone has now heard the news that Dylann Storm Roof, a 21-year old white supremacist, is accused of murdering nine worshipers at the historic Emanuel AME church in Charleston, South Carolina. The Rev. Clementa C. Pinckney, the church pastor, was among the dead.
When African-Americans demonstrated against police brutality and racism in Ferguson, Missouri, Baltimore, Maryland, and Oakland, California, they were called “thugs,” “rioters,” and “hoodlums.” But 21-year old Roof, a white supremacist, is being referred to as a “lone wolf” and of course, he must be mentally ill.
“What happens to a dream deferred?”
Injustices, that is, such as Israel’s oppressive military occupation of the Palestinian people, an occupation that began either in 1948 or 1967, however one wishes to measure the history of stolen land and stolen lives.
Dr. James Wall Global News Centre
(CHICAGO) What happens to a dream deferred?
The question comes from Langston Hughes’ poem, Harlem, which inspired Lorraine Hansberry to write her drama, A Raisin in the Sun, the first play written by an African American woman to be produced on Broadway.