Monthly Archives: November 2014
UN General Assembly: Israel’s actions in Jerusalem are null and void
And look at their expressions. What are they thinking?
“This should be worth a nice a good-sized packet of Shekels.”
Anthony Lawson Global News Centre
(BANGKOK) We can only sit and wonder when some Apartheid-Zionist-Jewish-Israel-loving nation will blow this out of the water, just as Israel tried to blow the USS Liberty out of the water in June, 1967. Will it be the United States applying its veto?
Expanding Medicare to cover all Americans but not any time soon
Someday, perhaps not in my lifetime, the U.S. will finally have universal health care.
Ralph E. Stone Global News Centre
(SAN FRANCISCO) Everyone has the right to health, including health care, according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Health care is a public good, not a commodity and the U.S. government has a responsibility to ensure that care comes first.
Children of a lesser God?
According to the Legal Centre for Arab Minority Rights in Israel today there are over 50 discriminatory laws against Palestinian civilians in Israel in all areas of life, including their rights to political participation, access to land, education, state budget resources, and criminal procedures.
Jafar M Ramini Global News Centre
(LONDON) There is a thought that has been brewing in my head since the latest massacre in Gaza and what followed. How to define a relationship between two peoples who live on the same piece of land but are, in terms of cultural, religious and political affiliations, oceans apart.
Gilad Atzmon on ‘Jew, Judaism, Jewishness’ - an interview with Bill Alford
Author of runaway best seller The Wandering Who? discusses Three Jewish ID Categories: Religious Jew, Born a Jew and Politicized Jew aka Jewishness.
Jewishness pertains most. It is a problematic mix of ideology and culture. Atzmon characterized Jewishness as different manifestations of Jewish self-loving. Zionism, he observes, is just one form of Jewishness amongst many. Jewish Left is as exeptionalist and similarly exclusive.
Atzmon emphasizes the bane of Political Correctness - politics that allows for no opposition. He submits Political Correctness has been a Jewish Left Project for forty years, the period hearts & minds of The West have been essentially captured.
The important questions about Israel, and its supporting Lobby, are not even asked - What Is Jewishness and what are the relationships between Jews, Judaism, Zionism and Jewishness?

Jay R. Crook, Ph.D. Global News Centre
“Canim anam” (My life, my mother) gives us a rare, intimate view of an ancient custom: the ceremonial washing of the feet of someone one respects. When the feet being washed belong to a parent—in this case the mother—it embodies both respect and love, amply evident in this family video. In it, the matriarch of the Belica family is surrounded by family members, both past and present. When her son Agron washes her feet, it is a ritual validation of the strength of their family ties. It is both refreshing and thought-provoking to watch this ceremony in an era in which family cohesion and values are under attack from all sides.
Iran reaffirms sovereignty on three Persian Gulf islands
PressTV Original Report
Global News Centre
Iran has dismissed as “baseless” a statement by Persian Gulf Arab states supporting United Arab Emirates’ alleged ownership of three Iranian islands, saying the Persian Gulf islands are integral part of the country.
Entertainment: Chelsea Davis - Don’t Think Twice (ORIGINAL) Produced By: Diggy Diamond
Welcome To My Gallery By Jamal Belica Of A.E.M.G.
Twelve-year-old Jamal Belica, founder of Aldin Entertainment, is attracting even more attention with the release of one of his most ambitious videos thus far, “Welcome to My Gallery.” Featured in it are his father “Ace” and Boston poet and hip-hop artist Weegil. It is an entertaining romp where the members get together and showboat a bit. Jamal has put together a fun project for all, both for the performers and for the viewing public. Another home run, Jamal!
Jay R. Crook, Ph.D. Global News Centre
Ken O’Keefe - 2nd International Conference of Independent Thinkers - Tehran 2014
Submitted by Jamal Belica Global News Centre Special
Ken O’Keefe Is My Hero —JB of Aldin Entertainment Music Group
This was Ken O’Keefe’s short introduction & speech at the 2nd International Conference of Independent Thinkers held in Tehran, Iran from September 28-October 1, 2014. Isn’t it amazing that Iran can host such a meeting while the “freedom loving West” could never muster such a conference. Very predictably the so-called ‘Anti-defamation League’, an organisation set up to defame people, labelled the conference a “hate fest” with Ken O’Keefe and others smeared with the “anti-semite” and “conspiracy theorist” titles. O’Keefe promptly thanked the ADL on Twitter for such esteemed “honour”.