Monthly Archives: August 2014
Sri Lanka: Picturing Genocide and War Crimes
Ask a child where a government should place a safe zone for civilians; in the middle of the war area or somewhere far from it? Now, what can government of Sri Lankan officials respond when that question is answered? There can only be one answer to this and that answer is clear intention to kill these civilians. United Nations officials from the Nobel Peace Prize nominated documentary “Sri Lanka Killing Fields” stated the same.
“We want to exchange personal experiences, Sir.”
Do American religious leaders, the secular political leaders, and the American public hear what is happening in Gaza?
Dr. James Wall Global News Centre
(CHICAGO) The personal report that begins below, first appeared in the website, Mondoweiss.
This report conveys the horror of war experienced by young Palestinian college students in Gaza during recent summer weeks of unrelenting and vicious attacks by Israel.
India – #Humanrightsdefender Ms #IromChanuSharmila re-arrested
Immediately and unconditionally release, and drop all charges against, Ms Irom Chanu Sharmila as it is believed that she is being held solely as a result of his legitimate and peaceful work in the defence of human rights;
William Gomes Global News Centre Human Rights Ambassador
(YORK) Irom Chanu Sharmila has been on hunger strike since 2 November 2000 in protest against the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act of 1958 (AFSPA) which gives power to officers of the Indian Armed Forces to shoot anyone suspected of being an insurgent in so-called “disturbed areas”.
Duty to Warn: Wall Street & War Street Need to Keep Their Pants Zipped
The Wall Street & War Street Gang needs to stop screwing with our world and zip up its pants. And we true patriotic Americans need to make them.
Intro by Dr. Gary Kohls for Global News Centre
Ed Note: Jane Stillwater is an internet friend of mine from the San Francisco area. (Not living close to Napa, I am assuming that she didn’t get hit by yesterday’s earthquake.) Jane and I communicate often, mostly through the sharing of essays which often have identical points of view. But Jane is a far more experienced, cleverer, more talented and more courageous writer than I, having often toured the world and then written about those dangerous places.
My life during the war

Rana Selfie
The night before was the worst ever! An F-16 targeted my neighbor’s home. I remember it well, it was around 3:00 am. I could see nothing but the sky turning red and the lights of the ambulances flashing…
Article by Rana Alshami
(GAZA STRIP) I live in Khan Younis, Gaza. I am a twenty-one years old college graduate from the Islamic University of Gaza (IUG). I have been witnessing the bombing of my homeland with great pain and distress in my heart. We have been at war for 48 days and there is no sign of a permanent ceasefire. People in Gaza are experiencing massive amounts of death and destruction. People can barely leave their homes to do even the simplest activities. People can’t even sleep.
Author will reveal how the Marine Corps Betrays its own at Sacred Space in Salem
Join military author Tim King at Sacred Space Spiritual Center, August 30 at 6:00 p.m., for a memorable evening. Learn how the Marines dismiss truth and cover up the deadly conditions that today define, the nation’s smallest military service.
Global News Centre
(SALEM) On August 30 at 6:00 p.m., Tim King, co-author of Betrayal: Toxic Exposure of U.S. Marines, Murder and Government Cover-up, will speak at Sacred Space Spiritual Center (2111 Front St NE Building 3 Downstairs Suite, Salem, Oregon 97301), addressing serious issues concerning current and former Marines, and the impact absent environmental stewardship is having on the nation.
Iran shoots down Israeli spy drone near Natanz nuclear facility
Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has shot down an Israeli spy drone over the Iranian sky before the unmanned aerial vehicle reached Natanz nuclear facility.
Press TV
The IRGC’s Aerospace Force has intercepted and shot down an Israeli spy drone, the IRGC announced in a statement on Sunday.
It added that the stealth and radar-evading spy drone intended to reach the nuclear facility in Natanz, but was targeted by a surface-to-air missile before it reached the area.
The TRC Interim Report: a reprise… The Truth That Failed
And even madmen manage to convey
Unwelcome truths in lonely gibberish.
- W.H. Auden The Quest
William Annett Global News Centre
(DAYTONA BEACH) Things have been busy in Florida, what with hurricane season, Rick Scott’s campaign to deny food stamps to druggies, and BP’s ad campaign extolling the vacation paradise they’ve wrought in the Gulf. So I’ve been slow to read what was actually issued months ago - a weighty 115-page tome, neither scholarly nor journalistic mais tous les deux, entitled “They Came For The Children.”
SL Must Ensure Justice for Tamils: Modi & Dr.Malathy’s Report
This is the latest report on TNA’s Meeting with Prime Minister Modi on 23 August 2014. He stated Sri Lanka must ensure justice for Tamils.
Visvanathan Sivam for Global News Centre
(MELBOURNE) Prime Minister Narendra Modi today urged Sri Lanka to ensure “equality, dignity, justice and self-respect” for its Tamil minority.
John the Baptist, Not Jesus on the Cross?

Global News Centre Special Report
(BOSTON) - Recent research embodied in a new book by Agron Belica invites our attention to the predicament of John the Baptist, popularly known for little more than the story of his beheading by order of Herod Antipas at the behest of a seductive dancing girl, the infamous Salome.
His book, The Passion of the Baptist, Not the Christ, arguing from the chronological and historical evidence provided by the ancient Jewish historian Josephus and the New Testament about John, demonstrates that the story of his beheading is almost certainly spurious. Comparison with the writings of Josephus gives the lie to this scenario for, as the detailed scrutiny and evaluation of Josephus’s text shows, Herod Antipas probably did not order John’s execution until 36 CE, half a dozen years later than most datings of the event of the crucifixion. Belica suggests that it was the Prophet Yahya (John the Baptist) who was placed on the cross and survived the ordeal and not Jesus, in a case of mistaken identity.
Obama orders review of federal role in arming state and local police
The August 9 incident in which 18-year-old Michael Brown was fatally shot by the officer and the local police later using automatic rifles and tank-like vehicles to control crowds was not the first time the issue about local police using military equipment has been raised.
FOX News
President Obama has directed a review of federal programs and funding that allow state and local law-enforcement agencies to acquire surplus military equipment, a senior administration official said Saturday.