Monthly Archives: July 2014
Human trafficking has no place in modern world, General Assembly President says
“We can do more and much more,” he said, “We must better understand the nature of the crime that we are trying to confront.” - Martin Sajdik, President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), said that the Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Human Trafficking
Global News Centre
Human trafficking has no place in the modern world, the President of the General Assembly declared today at a special event at United Nations Headquarters ahead of the observance of the first ever World Day against Trafficking in Persons.
The Blood of Palestine is on the Hands of the Bribe-Takers
Although Levy often comes out strongly against Israel’s actions, so much so that he now has to have a bodyguard, he is dead wrong to try to blame HAMAS for anything. Israel started everything, by having themselves plonked down in Arab territory.
Anthony Lawson Global News Centre
(BANGKOK) The blood of the thousands of Palestinians who have been killed by the so-called Israel Defence Forces since the beginning of the siege of Gaza, stains the hands of each and every politician who has done nothing to censure Israel for this cruel and illegal act of virtual imprisonment, or who has taken any kind of bribe to bolster his or her election-campaign coffers, in return for turning their backs on the quite obvious fact that Apartheid Israel has never had any intention other than to genocide the Palestinian people.
Over 1,200 killed in 22 days of Israel Gaza attacks
Death toll has reached 1,216 after 22 days of the Israeli regime’s massive offensive against the besieged Gaza Strip.
Press TV
(GAZA STRIP) The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said in a summary that as of 6 am (0300 GMT) Tuesday, 239 children had been killed in three weeks of missile strikes and artillery shelling against the blockaded sliver.
The fatalities consisted of 157 boys and 82 girls all aged between three months and 17 years.
According to the UN body, there were 166 children aged 12 or younger among the dead kids.
Jordanian aid convoy arrives in Gaza

File photo of Israeli soldiers inspecting the cargo of a humanitarian aid lorry last week at the Erez border crossing
The aid convoy included 12 trucks containing food and humanitarian and medical supplies.
Global News Centre
The first aid convoy dispatched by the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization containing humanitarian and medical supplies has arrived in Gaza.
Commander of the Jordanian field hospital, Colonel Barakat al-Aqeel said on Monday that the convoy was dispatched upon directives from King Abdullah II and was supervised by Crown Prince Hussein Bin Abdullah II.
Press TV:
Venezuela and Bolivia, countries that cut their ties with Tel Aviv over Israel’s 2009 war on Gaza, have also strongly condemned Israel’s actions.
Press TV
(TEHRAN) Israel’s international isolation grows as Chile and Peru join other Latin American countries and recall their envoys from Tel Aviv.
“In the face of intensifying Israeli military action in the Gaza Strip, the government of Chile — in coordination with other administrations in the region — has resolved to recall the Chilean ambassador in Tel Aviv, Jorge Montero, to Santiago for consultations,” the Chilean Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.
GAZA: Mahar’s Story
That day there was a heavy bombardment in Shujeiyah. Her family decided to try to escape, and flee the upper floors. As they ran down the stairs, shells scored a direct hit on their home. It collapsed around them.
Article by Julie Webb-Pullman
(GAZA) Mahar Hamid Sheikh-Khalil is seven years old. She used to have a mother and father, three sisters and a brother, grandparents, aunts and uncles.
She used to play with her brother and sisters and their cousins, scampering about the yard or on the roof, sometimes in the street with the neighbours’ kids. She used to walk, and skip and jump.
From Wounded Knee to Gaza Massacre

Above, US army massacre of Native People at Wounded Knee. Below are massacred Hamas police graduates, all victims of Israeli bombs.
The Zionist butchers massacring the Palestinians in Gaza are the same interests that carried out the genocide of 150 million indigenous people in the western hemisphere. Like with us, the British set up the genocide. Just like the Palestinian, every inch of our land is illegally occupied.
Global News Centre
(Mohawk Nation News) US, Canada and Britain are behind Israel’s program of genocide against humanity and Mother Earth. These three corporate entities point to us as the example for Israel to follow. That is why Harper, Obama and Cameron have unending support to the Zionists to cover their historic crimes committed in the Western Hemisphere. Their aim is complete annihilation of the Palestinians and total theft of all their land.
So making guns illegal will take them off the street?
There is an old saying that if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. If you don’t believe it, just look at Chicago.
Bob Collinsworth Global News Centre
(HARRISVILLE, N.H.) Here’s the real problem: There are dozens of things that we have made illegal yet they continue to be available on the street. Do some research on Operation Fast and Furious. Our own President and Attorney General have assisted in putting guns in the hands of the Mexican drug cartels. Some of those guns were used to kill U.S. Border Patrol agents that had families. These politicians have no clue what they are doing. They want absolute control over the populace and as long as the constitution stands, they are breaking the law. Politicians have gotten out of control over the last 40 or 50 years. They need to be reined-in before it is too late or we will end-up with designees of the Bilderberg Group running our country rather than those we elect.
Vietnamese French woman files dioxin lawsuit against 35 US companies
A French woman of Vietnamese origin, Tran To Nga, has stood as the sole plaintiff in the Agent Orange/Dioxin lawsuit against 35 chemical companies based in the U.S. for producing the toxic substances sprayed in Vietnam in the 1960s and 1970s.
Tuoi Tre News
(HANOI) Her 31-page complaint was sent to the Superior Court (tribunal de grande instance) based in Evry in the southern suburb of Paris, France. In May, the court sent notifications to the 35 defendants in the U.S. about the case.
Fed Up! Rally set for 28 September in Washinghton DC
The September 28 Rally will be held on The Mall in Washington, DC (between 12th and 14th Streets). The FED UP! Rally Headquarters is the Marriott Metro Center, 775 12th Street NW, Washington, DC.
Marianne Skolek Global News Centre
(MYRTLE BEACH) I have been honored to be asked to be a speaker at the 2nd Annual FED UP! Rally to be held in Washington, DC on September 28, 2014 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
FED UP has long held my deepest respect for their commitment and hard work toward what they call “an immediate coordinated and comprehensive federal action to end the epidemic of addiction and overdose deaths attributed to opioids (including heroin) and other prescription drugs.” They ask that all affected by this national crisis “join our grassroots movement. With one voice we will be heard and get action for change.”
Black July - The Tamil Holocaust
Black July will remain in the Tamil conscience for centuries to come.
Global News Centre
The cruelties inflicted on the Tamils by the Sinhalese, were beyond Comprehension. Kuddimani (picture below) had his eyes gouged out and then stabbed to death. Even animals have better compassion than these cruel human animals. Please click and read the links below…